• Chapter Twenty-Two •

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My conversation with Shoto distracted me for a bit. But now, back in class, my mind falls into chaos once more. All I can think about is the invasion yesterday. I'd once hoped that my parents had given up on getting me back. It's been almost five years.

After the stranger sent by my parents left, I called the police and calmly told them about the situation. Under the assumption that I was likely being watched, I'd asked that they don't send anyone over. And then, I hung up the phone and sat curled on the floor, unable to function. Was I doomed to be trapped in Their claws forever?

Before the last class of the day started, Aizawa requested that I meet with him briefly after class. With my classmates buzzing about the Sports Festival, none of them even notice my absent manner. I float through the day, not fully present.

At the end of the day, I approach Aizawa's desk. He clears his throat, shuffling papers across his desk, "I understand your home was invaded by a follower of your parents."

I scoff, "Yeah. It was."

"You're clearly shaken about it."

"Of course I am." I mumble, my hands wandering to the soft fluff around Sora's neck. I hope for a moment that he can distract me from the rage that festers inside me, "When I was first taken in by Endeavor and encouraged to enroll in UA, I forced everyone to make me one promise: that I'd be safe from them while I got stronger. I don't know what the hell your guys' idea of 'safe' is, but that isn't it."

"Were you injured last night?"

"Does that matter?" I feel my gestures become wild, my voice rising in volume, "A stranger entered my home last night! He could've injured me. Walked in like he owned the damn place! THAT'S NOT SAFE, AIZAWA!"

My teacher stays silent throughout my outburst. When I finish, my breathing is uneven and my heart is pounding. I'm beyond enraged. He carefully speaks up, "That makes perfect sense, Himiko. That's why I wanted to ask you: Are you interested in dropping out of the Sports' Festival?"

Disbelief interrupts my anger, I stammer, "Wha–"

"Listen carefully, Himiko." Aizawa speaks firmly, "If you participate in the Sports' Festival, we can't guarantee your safety. The festival will be televised everywhere. Your parents will see you, and it'll become very easy for them to find you. I'm giving you the option to drop out now."

I sit in silent thought. I came to UA to get stronger, so I can finally defeat my parents. My mother may be locked up, but my father escaped just before the school year started. His escape forced me to start going to classes late. He's dangerous. He keeps the crime syndicate smoothly running. I have no doubt that he's plotting to break my mother out as well.

I don't feel much stronger than before I joined UA. Compared to the hours of intense training my parents put me through, UA feels almost easy. I chew on my lip before responding, "I can't give in to my fear. It would give them too much satisfaction to think that I didn't participate because of them. I'm competing in the festival, Aizawa. No matter what."

I can't tell what his expression is, but it sounds like Aizawa is smiling, "Good. That's exactly the answer I expected. I'll let Principal Nezu know that you refused the offer to drop out of the festival."

"Thank you, Mr. Aizawa." I bow to him and leave quickly.

Despite the hysteria I felt at my parents' obsession at finding me, for some reason, Aizawa's firm belief in me reassures me. My classmates love Sora, but they don't treat me as different. Shoto—my brother—has invited me to dinner at his house on Saturday night.

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