• Chapter Twenty-Four •

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Part of me is glad he doesn't see the way I struggle in class. I strain my quirk, attempting to follow Miss Nishimura's movement by reading the flow of her energy. It sort of works, but everything feels just slightly wrong. It's frustrating. Years of dance experience and I can't follow basic choreography.

By the time Tuesday rolls around, Bakugou seems almost...excited. No. Not excited. Hyped up. His competitive nature kicking in with a need to be better than everyone else in the class. Meanwhile, I drag my feet as we walk in. It's so disheartening, moving to the music with no idea if I'm doing anything right.




I scoff at myself in disgust. The music plays and my limbs feel heavy. A presence appears next to me. I flinch as a hand guides my arm to the side.

The voice of Miss Nishimura speaks softly, "You're blind, yes?"

"Yes, ma'am..." I mumble.

"It's okay. So was my little brother." She turns my foot out slightly, "You've got all the basic moves down, we just need to work on making them appear a certain way to the 'audience'. I can tell you have the experience, you just need the confidence."

"Right." I bite my tongue. I feel like a blundering idiot. It's not like when I improvise, where every movement is my own. This is someone else's movement that I'm following, but I can't tell how the movement is supposed to look.

A hand rests on my shoulder, "Make it your own, sweetie. Don't worry about anyone else except yourself. This may be my choreography, but YOU are the dancer."

Nishimura POV

Come Thursday, one person has caught my eye. A young dancer clearly more experienced than most in the group. Once I confirmed the moves for her, she naturally fell into perfect step with the music. Her movement is so fluid and effortless, it's almost hypnotizing. Towards the end of the practice, I remind the group that we'll be starting dancing with partners next time. The young Himiko girl steps next to her peculiar partner, who slouches behind her with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"To get used to dancing together—" I smile, flipping on the speaker, "We'll have a small improv-style dance session. Just dance like you're at a party, get used to your partner." Fast-paced music starts up and a few confident pairs start swaying to the beat, getting into the music. Towards the front of the group, Himiko taps her foot to the beat while keeping her arms crossed.

I lean over to whisper to Mako, who was responsible for teaching the mostly-male half of the class, "That boy with the spiky blonde hair, who is he?"

"Katsuki Bakugou. Rough around the edges, short-tempered, and inexperienced, but he's obviously athletic and hard-working. He has this—" Mako laughs to himself, "This explosive passion and energy that he brings to his dancing. It's almost irritating, but he's such a natural dancer."

"Interesting." I glance at Himiko's way, "Because his partner is so quiet, but she's obviously experienced. She's been incorporating ballet-style movement into her dance. She's got such an effortless motion to her, it's like watching a flame dance. It's quite mesmerizing."

Mako snorts, "Well, Bakugou is more like a firework." Our attention is pulled to the dance floor where the spoken-of pair dances fiercely in the center of the group, drawing the attention of their fellow dancers. They shout encouragement as the two dance to the music. It's peculiar. Almost looking like a choreographed fight more than a dance. But the acrobatic moves, the motion of one move melting into the next, it's art.

I can see what Mako was saying. Bakugou is passionate and confident in his dancing. He matches the street-dancer style well, his movements feel spontaneous and exciting. In almost shocking contrast, his partner moves lithely to the beat of the music, almost reminding me of a feline, drawing in an audience to watch her every move. Her effortless gracefulness and Bakugou's explosive energy are such a match, I never could imagine them working so well together. They work together perfectly. Though they seem a bit hesitant to get too close to one another, they move together even while standing on opposite sides of the circle.

Bakugou gives her a source of energy and he acts as a way to highlight her best moves, she guides him through his inexperience and challenges him to keep up with her. Watching them fight dance in the group, I can see a healthy dose of competitive–ness between the two.

By being competitive with each other, they push each other to be better.

I can't wait for the real dance to begin.

A/N: Sorry that the story is moving kind of slow, I'm lacking motivation and I've been super busy with school and work. But I still have a lot of plans for this storyline and I'm not done with this story. Thanks for all the support!

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