• Chapter Three •

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Todoroki stuck to his word. He's got such a quiet demeanor, I suppose it's not surprising that he didn't tell anyone about my disability. Yet, underneath his icy demeanor, there's a powerful war raging inside of him. He's another one like Bakugou and Midoriya, his chakra and therefore his aura, are crazy strong. I can sense the resentment, rage, and unbridled sorrow that bubbles under his calm mask, almost as strong as Bakugou's anger. Yet, perhaps Todoroki is more frightening as he is much better at hiding it.

Should I ever get the opportunity to punch Endeavor in the face, I will eagerly take the opportunity as a sign from god because the damn bastard certainly deserves it. But should Shoto Todoroki wish to have that opportunity, I will give it to him with pleasure. It would appear that Shoto Todoroki and I are two sides of the same coin.

My blindness affects my daily life, but I've managed to conceal it from everyone. Only my teachers and Todoroki know. It's knowing that all my assignments are secretly given to me in braille. I don't take notes in class, but instead record them to play back later. Aizawa provides me with braille copies of everything, although he disapproves of my secrecy about being blind.

But I know what happens when people meet a blind person. I know about pity and being patronized. I'm strong. I know that. But it doesn't matter. They'll think I'm weak if they find out I can't see.

Todoroki POV

Ever since finding out that Kai is blind, I notice things that I didn't notice before. The way Kai tenses up whenever anyone touches her. The way her eyes dart around in a loud room like the cafeteria. She doesn't take notes in class, though she's good at training her eyes on the board. She's obviously practiced looking people in the eyes, because she holds eye contact well in a conversation. But it slips in a crowd, her gaze unable to train on a single face. She takes tests different from everyone else's, always personally handed to her by the teacher, covered in braille.

It's surprising that none of our classmates have noticed. But most are too focused on their own studies to realize. Even Bakugou, who sits right in front of her, doesn't seem to notice. The two often exchange snippy exchanges, often ending with Bakugou fuming and the latter with a smug smile on her face. Perhaps it's mean to think so, but I find Kai's ability to stand up to Bakugou and face his temper quite admirable.


We have battle training today. Aizawa orders all of us to get into our gym uniforms and go to the PE grounds. A few of my classmates groan, complaining about not being able to wear their hero costumes. I'm relieved, knowing that my hero costume is still being remade after the first version was practically obliterated the first time I activated my quirk. I've been working with an incredibly innovative girl from the Support Department on my costume. Testing fabrics, working on items to support my quirk and making exact measurements. She's been working really hard to finish my costume, but it still needs some finishing touches.

It's a good day for my quirk, it's very sunny.

I change into my gym uniform quickly, wearing a black, form-fitting long sleeve shirt underneath. I'm the first on the PE grounds. I tie back my hair. My eyes close as I tilt my chin upwards and soak in the sunlight. My quirk buzzes to life in the presence of such warmth and natural energy.

"Looking for a sunburn, extra?" A familiar voice teases behind me.

"Maybe you should try, go touch some grass, you know?" I slowly open my eyes, wincing at the bright light. My eyes water slightly, forcing me to wipe away the agitated tears.

"Why the hell are you crying? Are you that much of a pussy?" Bakugou growls.

I blink, "It must've been instinct upon seeing your revolting face. In fact, I feel a bit queasy just thinking about it..." I pretend to gag. Bakugou just clicks his tongue in response. Compared to what his response would've been a week ago, I'd call that progress. Glad to know I no longer have to worry about getting my ass blasted into the stratosphere for a poorly-timed sarcastic joke.

"Oi." Bakugou speaks in a lower voice, much more serious, "Whatever this training exercise is, I'm going to beat you."

"You keep telling yourself that, Sparky." I smile, "It'll make my victory all the sweeter."

Aizawa and All Might usher the class around them, silencing us so they can give us instructions. To sum up, it's an intense game of Capture the Flag. While Cementoss appears to temporarily turn the PE grounds into rough terrain, Aizawa splits us into two teams. Midoriya is still recovering from a previous exercise, so Aizawa forces him to sit out.

I'm on Team A with Todoroki, Tsu, Mineta, Mina, Ojiro, Yaoyorozu, Shoji, Hagakure, and Jiro. The teams split up to strategize. Before we've even fully grouped together, I start putting together a plan. I clear my throat, "I have an idea."

"Go ahead, Kai." Yaoyorozu says politely.

"I should guard our flag. My quirk works well in short and long range. For defense, I suggest Mineta, Yaoyorozu, and Shoji. Mineta can set a sticky trap and Shoji has a good long range as well as an ability to sense people coming. He can help keep the rest of the defense team updated on incoming opponents. Yaoyorozu is an expert in strategy and she can also help create obstacles to make entering our territory harder."

"That's really good." Mina grins, "Keep going."

"Okay. So my idea is that we split up into two offense groups. One group will be an upfront and flashy group to distract the opponents. The second group can be a stealth group that will sneak in through the holes provided by the first group. For the first group, I suggest Mina, Ojiro, and Todoroki. For the second group, I suggest Jiro, Hagakure, and Tsu." I take a deep breath, "Mina, Ojiro, and Todoroki will use their strong quirks to just push forward into opponent territory, fighting off as many people as they can. Especially Todoroki, with your long range attack power and overall flashy quirk, you can draw a lot of attention to yourself. While you guys do that, Jiro will work to find the easiest path to the flag while avoiding as many opponents as possible. Hagakure's invisibility and Tsu's camouflage are a perfect asset to help close in on the flag without anyone noticing. Subtlety and stealth are crazy important here."

"That's impressive. How do you know so much about our quirks?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"Basing everything off what you guys tell me, and also..." I chuckle bashfully, "Midoriya mutters to himself a lot. He takes notes on everyone's quirks." Everyone laughs lightly, nodding in understanding.

Todoroki nods firmly, "Kai's plan is a solid plan. Do we all understand what we need to do?" We all utter yeses and go to fetch our flag. I can't see the terrain, but I can tell by how the energy flows that it's full of jagged stone spires. I kick off my shoes to sense vibrations in the ground. Yaoyorozu picks an excellent spot to hide our flag.

I can't even begin to hide my excitement. My quirk buzzes, already energized by the warm sun above. Our flag is tucked in a valley of sorts, surrounded by close-together spires that will be hard to pass through. I take a deep breath, perching on a rock just above our flag.

We're ready.

A whistle blows and the game begins.

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