• Chapter Twenty-Six •

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Two weeks goes fast. It's already the second to last class. The last class is on Saturday. The same day as my dinner with the Todorokis. And the Sports festival is next week. I don't want to admit it, but Bakugou has come a long way.

We do our fair share of taunting each other, but the moment the music turns on, we're focused. He's the best dancing partner I've ever had. No one else has ever been able to read my motion so well, to know when to follow and when to lead. He's so quick to learn and adapt on his feet. He's ridiculously perceptive too.

I guess that's what makes him a good fighter too.

I've started coaching him on how to incorporate what he's learning from dance into his fighting style. It's risky, showing an opponent of mine how I fight. I notice his improvement quickly. His agility and flexibility in battle are already improving in training, he tries new things that I would normally use in fights. Especially experimenting with using more swift kicks instead of hard punches.

And yet, I help him. Even as he uses me as a punching bag in training. Yet in dance class, his harsh punches turn into gentle lifts and supportive holds. We're down to our last two dance classes and I almost feel sad about it.

But why?

For our last Thursday class, Miss Nishimura announces that we'll be running through the entire dance for the first time. Exhilaration pounds in my heart and everyone settles into their starting positions. A warm hand rests comfortably on my hip, as Bakugou's muscular shoulder and chest presses against my back.

The music starts and I smile.

* * *

Thursday's class comes to a close and same as always, Bakugou quietly hands me my bag and waits for me to pull on my street shoes before he walks me home. People chatter around us. Hiro and his sister wish us goodnight and we both mumble out replies. We're both so tired. Training has us both sore and fatigued.

The city is loud at night. Groups of chattering teenagers heading to dinner crowd the sidewalks. Teenagers our age. They're so full of energy. Meanwhile, Bakugou and I drag our bruised and battered bodies across the sidewalk. I wonder if Bakugou ever was able to experience this kind of life. The life of a carefree teen. I'm helplessly envious of those who got to have that.

The night grows quieter as we grow close to my apartment building. Bakugou pauses by an alleyway, muttering to himself. I frown, "What is it?"

"I faced some sludge villain in this damn alleyway." He shrugs, "Now it looks like it never even happened."


The boy stays quiet for a moment, before coughing. There's a flash of panic from his aura. He gags and I slam the palm of my hand against his back. The boy steps away and gasps for breath, "Don't fucking touch me. I'm fine."

"Sorry." I whisper.

"That fucking villain he—he could control bodies. It's just weird because it felt like drowning because he was made of sludge or whatever. Big deal. Just some weak-ass shitty villain." Bakugou and I keep walking, but the boy remains tense.

I purse my lips, pondering a question I've wondered for a while, "Midoriya. Why do you hate him so much? He tried to save you from that sludge villain, didn't he? I–I heard it in the news." The boy bristles but his mind strays from the villain.

"Tch. That stupid fucking Deku." Bakugou fumes for a moment before sighing, "We grew up together or whatever. I could always tell Deku looked down on me. Always trying to help me and standing up for losers like an idiot."

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