• Chapter Four •

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Bakugou POV

I can't wait to finally beat that new girl. I don't care about Aizawa's stupid rankings, she won't be better than me. The sound of the whistle is music to my ears. My quirk's all fired up.

As expected, the moment I enter the enemy team's territory, I'm faced with a wire trap. There's also a bunch of the grape-headed extra's sticky balls all over the place. I'll have to be careful with my footing. Below me, the engine-legged extra gets trapped in a giant wad of sticky balls. Idiot.

The defense is not half bad. I don't see any people, but there are traps everywhere. The closer I get to the flag, the more traps there are. My quirk blows through them without a problem, though. Finally, I reach the edge of a small clearing, surrounded by a bunch of stone spires. Their flag sits in a shallow cave, surrounded by sticky balls and barbed wire. The new girl sits on an overhang that shelters their flag, legs crossed and her eyes closed. I find myself hesitating. It feels like a trap.

Another one of my teammates is already there. Engine-legs must have gotten himself free. The four-eyed nerd approaches the girl, looking suspicious of the situation. Without opening her eyes, the girl smirks, "Hello, Iida."

"Himiko." The stiff says properly, "Even if Aizawa holds you in such high regard, I do not intend on losing today."

The girl chuckles, "Good. That makes this more fun." She stands up and lightly hops down to face him, "But I don't intend on losing today either." 

The nerd in front of her pushes his glasses up his nose before throwing a heavy kick at her. To his and my surprise, she blocks it with ease. The idiot begins throwing hit after hit, each of which she easily dodges or blocks. I can tell she's barely trying. So she's better than I thought. Good.

After a moment, four-eyes begins to activate his quirk. But for some reason, the shitty engine sputters, throwing him off balance. Seeing her moment, Himiko quickly advances and knocks him out. She flips him onto his back and gives a sharp whistle. Out of nowhere, the grape-headed guy appears with the multi-armed guy. They lift up the nerd from my team and carry him out of the clearing.

"Come out, Sparky. I know you're there!" Himiko calls, her bright eyes somehow looking right at me.

"Tch." I jump from my hiding place, facing the irritating brat.

"Perhaps I have yet to know you well, but it doesn't seem like you to hesitate like that." The girl tilts her head inquisitively, "Why?"

"I'm not stupid. I wanted to get an idea of what your shitty quirk does." I roll my eyes, "You weren't very helpful."

"Well Blasty, why don't you come find out?" She gives me a challenging look that makes my quirk crackle in my hands.

"Be prepared to lose, nerd."


My quirk hums to life as Bakugou activates his quirk, causing a crackling noise. I stuff my hands in my pockets, reading the flow of Bakugou's chakra. I recall something Midoriya muttered under his breath, "Kacchan starts every fight with a big right hook."

I let Bakugou make the first move, tricking him into thinking I'm simply hesitating. Sure enough, all his energy focuses into his right arm. I hesitate a moment longer before slipping to my left. There's an explosion accompanied by his rough hook, the boy grunting as his momentum causes him to stumble forward a step. It's only a split second, but I take the opportunity to kick his open side. He lets out a puff of air, turning towards me. He recovers impressively quickly, countering with a punch that I only narrowly miss.

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