• Chapter Five •

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Bakugou POV

Ugh. That shitty nerd, I can't believe she got so close to beating me in a fight. I heard from stupid pinky that her team's entire plan was made by her. And it worked. Even more irritating is her shitty quirk. I can't put my finger on what it is. How was she able to stop my explosion? And what the hell was that lightning at the end? And what the hell is her fighting style?

"You're strong, Bakugou...But I've trained for this my whole life."

What the hell did that even mean? Sure, I'd loosely trained my quirk once I'd decided to be a hero. But I didn't put much thought into it before I got my quirk. It was probably an exaggeration, but still...

My phone rings, the hag's contact popping up on the screen. I groan before reluctantly answering, "What do you want, old hag?"

"Don't be a brat! My sister and her husband had some emergency business and they're traveling for a couple of days. I need you to pick up your little cousin, Kasumi, from dance." Her voice is loud and obnoxious, even through the phone.

I roll my eyes, "Fine. What time and where?"

"Six o'clock. I'll send you the address." The old hag hangs up. Why the hell couldn't she pick the brat up herself? I have time to go to the gym, shower, and do my homework before I have to go pick up the brat. 

* * *

"Why the hell did I have to be the one to pick the brat up?" I growl under my breath, walking into the dance studio. It's pretty big, but every wall has something pink or sparkly. I blink, "Shit's giving me a headache."

I'm early too. When I talk to the lady at the front desk, she points me down the hall to where my cousin's dance class is. I lower my head, not eager to be recognized in this stupid place. I sit outside the door of the class, watching the brat inside. Of course, because she's related to me, she's the best in the class. Even if it is a class of five year olds.

Six o'clock comes and the brat comes out. Her stupid pig tails bounce as she whips her head around, looking for her mother. I force myself to my feet, "Oi! Kasumi!"

"Kat-skee!" The brat runs towards me, clinging obnoxiously to my leg. Dear god, I hope none of my shitty classmates see me.

"Pack your bag and let's go." I roll my eyes, "You're staying with your Auntie for a couple days." The irritating brat nods, shoving her things into a stupid little pink bag. She ties on a ridiculously sparkly pair of sneakers before beaming at me. I sniff, feeling irritated but grudgingly offering my hand because I'm not a total dick. And I don't want to get yelled at if the brat runs off somewhere.

As we walk down the hall, the brat pulls on my arm, stopping in front of one of the studio windows. Stupid brat. I scoff, "What the hell is it, brat?"

"Can we watch for a bit?" The girl points her finger at the window. Inside the studio, a single girl dances in the dimly lit room. None of the lights are turned on, so she's only illuminated by the sunlight coming from the floor-length windows on the other side of the room.

"Tch. Only for a couple minutes." I can't find it in myself to pull my gaze away from the dancer. She wears baggy grey sweatpants and a black form-fitting, long sleeved athletic shirt.

Something about her movement is...familiar. Admittedly, her movement is hypnotic, a type of graceful athleticism that I've never cared to master. I can faintly hear music drifting through the door, her body moving in sync with the melody. In the dim room, I can't see her face, but her body is so into her dancing. Some sort of contemporary ballet mixed with acrobatics. She spins and flips through the air so easily, and she gets so high in the air. I guess it's kind of impressive or whatever.

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