Betty gets drunk pt. 2

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She was very hungover. She woke up with a throbbing headache and a dry mouth. Looking around she noticed she was alone, then the smell of bacon hit her. Walking down stairs she was greeted with the sight of her best friends and boyfriend at the table. "Good morning sunshine." Jug smirked at her. "No its not." She responded before her stomach churned and she was hunched over the sink. Once she was done and cleaned up she sat down with her friends drinking coffee and eating toast. "So little miss daredevil how was the drunk experience for you?" Jug said kissing her cheek. "Well from what I can remember not great and I don't rate it." She mumbled into Jugs chest. "Well B I'm glad this was a lesson to you." Veronica said giggling. "Yeah we did warn you about what would happen if you went and wrote that article." Archie said taking a bite of her toast. "Aww come on guys she gets it and she has the eye bags and headache to prove it." Jughead says laughing and handing her an aspirin. "Thank you now please can we do nothing today?" Betty pleads with her friends. "Aww really I thought we could go to a party." Veronica smirked. "NO!" The others shouted in unison. "I'm joking. Of course we can nothing, well you can." She said pointing to Betty. "We" She said gesturing towards Jug, herself, and Archie. "Will be nursing our very own princess from her first hangover." The group started laughing and Betty sank lower into her chair. She was never getting drunk again. 

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