Fear of the walking dead part 2

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General POV
Betty slammed the truck of the jeep her and Jughead had been driving shut. 

"There's no gas in the back. Do you think you can take us a litter further from the city?" She asked the raven haired boy, who was leaning against the car, fiddling with his gun. 

"I think so. Hopefully we pass a supermarket on the way so we can get gas and some more food. We're running low." 

The two had been together for about 3 months now. Not romantically, much to their dismay, but they had both agreed to not let their feelings get in the way of their survival, so they tried to push them down. They were in California right now, looking for the safe haven known as Steatoda. They had heard about it from their friend Josie, who was part of their group. It was Betty, Jughead, Ethel, Josie, Reggie, Archie, who they had run into after killing the draggers at pops, and Moose. They stuck together for months, and they were close. 

Betty and Jughead were kind of distant though, and trusted each other more. One day, around a month ago, someone had intercepted their radio, telling them about safe haven, Steatoda. They had steady food and water source, as well as homes for everyone. It was safe there. So the crew had set out to find them, but in a world that was overrun by the undead, tragedy always strikes. About 2 weeks ago, the group was in what used to be La. It was quiet, too quiet. Until they turned the corner and were met with hundreds, if not thousands of draggers. After that, it was over. They were running, and screaming, and being eaten alive. Jughead grabbed Betty's hand and told her to keep running and don't look back. 

Tears streamed down her face as she heard the pained wails of their friends Archie had caught up to them, and the three of them ran towards a fence that would buy them some time. They hoisted Betty over first, and then Archie and Jughead followed. Jughead got over, but the draggers caught up to them and decided to snack on Archie's foot, bringing him down. Betty screamed his name as Jughead turned her head away and held her close. 

"Come on Betts, we have to go before we're next." He had told her as she violently shook in his arms, and that was that. She walked for a while, before finding a jeep and deciding to use that to get closer to Steatoda. They needed to get there for their friends. 

Even though they had agreed that it was best they ignored their feelings, Betty and Jughead were still very close. Like right now, Jughead was driving on the little gas he had left, while Betty was asleep on his shoulder, holding his arm as if she was a little girl holding her favorite stuffed animal. Jughead was tapping his fingers on her leg to the music that was playing. Thanks to the CDs they had found in one of their raids. He saw a gas station up ahead, and decided it was time to wake Betty up so they could get some supplies. 

"Hey, Betts we're at a gas station." He said softly, moving his arm from her grasp so she would wake up. They got out of the car, and while Jughead filled the car up with gas, Betty went to check the gas station for any signs of danger. She came back a few minutes later while Jughead was filling up some containers up with gas for the future. 

"All clear. I think we should spend the night here. It's getting dark and we don't want to run into any unwanted guests while we're driving." Jughead nodded and closed the trunk. 

"I'll work on blocking the windows." 

A few hours later 
The pair were lying down on their makeshift mattress, which was really just blankets and pillows, playing truth or dare. 

"Okay, truth." Jughead said eating a Cheeto. 

"Have you ever been in love?" Betty asks him, suddenly a serious tone taking over her normally carefree one. 

"Yes, I have." He smiled slightly at her. 

"Truth or dare?" 


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