Date Night part 3

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Betty's POV
"So, what do you say?" 

"It's perfect! It's like it was made for you." I giggled as Veronica spun herself in front of me, showing her new dress to me. 

"That's probably because it was." She grinned and I rolled my eyes in a joking way. 

"Of course it was." We both giggled. 

It was Sunday, 5 pm and Veronica came over because we planned on going to the movies later. 

"You look amazing, V." I smiled at my best friend who looked absolutely gorgeous in literally everything she wore. I wish I could look as good in those dresses as she does. 

"Oh, by the way you didn't tell me about yesterday's date yet. How did it go?" She dropped herself onto my bed and I joined her, sighing. 

"Not good?" She had an apologetic look on her face, just like all the other times when her try to set me up with someone, failed. 

"Let's started good but turned out like all the other ones." 

She sighed. 

"V..." I started but immediately shut my mouth again. 

"Hmm?" She was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "What is it, B?" 

"I know you only mean it good and that you want to help me and stuff but..." I was playing with my hands nervously, not wanting to hurt my best friend. 

"I mean all this 'going on dates stuff' was fun but I didn't even like any of them. I didn't say anything because I knew how much you enjoyed it but it feels weird, sitting at Pop's with guys I barley know, pretending I'm interested in everything they say, when in reality I couldn't care less. Most of them just talk about themselves all the time and-" 

"I understand, don't worry." She interrupted me and I slowly lifted my head to look at her. 

"You didn't enjoy any of the dates, do you think I wouldn't notice that? I'm sorry you felt obligated or something but I also know how much you always dreamed of experiencing an incredibly romantic love story and I only wanted to help make that come true. But obviously it didn't work out the way I had hoped it would." She giggled at the last part and I couldn't hide a grin, either. 

"Thank you." I pulled her in for a hug. "Not for that." She replied. 


It was Monday morning and I was waiting for the bell to finally ring and class to be over. I was hungry as hell and honestly could've eaten anything right now. 

Then, finally, the bell made my favorite sound and everyone started packing their bags. 

I arrived at the cafeteria and was looking out for Ronnie who was, as always, already sitting at our usual table and waiting for me and the boys. 

I got food for the two of us and walked over, sat down and greeted her. "I was waiting for this for the past two hours." I said before I took a bite from my Pizza.

Veronica's POV
Not even five minutes later, the boys joined us. 

Archie placed himself next to me, while Kevin and Jug sat opposite of me and Arch and next to Betty. 

"Most boring two hours ever!" Archie sighed next to me which made me chuckle. "But did you see that new kid? Joaquin I suppose his name was." Kevin added. 

"Joaquin? Why doesn't that name sound so familiar?" It came from Betty. "Wasn't he just transferred?" 

"Who cares where he's from? He's here now and he's super hot!" Kevin chuckled and we all had to laugh at his comment. 

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