The past

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Betty's POV
When I got home from school I went right to my room. I was home alone but I wanted to work on my homework in my window seat. That thing held a lot of good memories. I mean it's how I got to see Jughead Jones for the very first time. 

Fred Andrews and Archie lived alone for the first couple years, but when I was 5 another boy moved in. His name was Jughead. He was different as a child but me and him really connected. So maybe that's why when we got older we caught feeling for another. Now he's dating me and honestly I've never been more happy. 

We were also there for each other growing up. Archie had his own friends leaving me and Jughead to play in his tree house alone. That's how we became such good friends. I knew everything about Jughead. However he never really talked about why Fred adopted him. Of course I wanted to know since I was young but I was taught not to ask questions like that. My mom had said a few comments about his parents because she knew them growing up, but I never really understood why Jughead would have to leave his parents. 

I grabbed my backpack before sitting at my window seat. I grabbed my math homework, then opened the window just a tiny bit to let some nice air in. After a couple minutes of no sound I heard something slam. I looked over at Archie and Jughead's window to see Jughead throwing stuff off his desk. He then sat on the chair with his hands in his hair. I watched as tears fell down his cheeks.

I ran over to his house. Archie was coming home from football when I got to the porch. 

"Hey Betty, what are you doing?" He asked confused.

"Archie, just let me in." I said. Archie unlocked the door. I ran upstairs to his bedroom knocking on the locked door. 

"Archie just leave me alone." Jughead shouted. 

"Jug it's me, Betty." I heard him get up. A couple of moments later the door opened. He was wiping away his tears. I walked in closing the door behind me. 

"What's wrong? I heard you throwing your stuff off your desk, then I saw you crying." 

"It's nothing, you don't need to worry about me." He said. 

"Jughead your my boyfriend. I can't not worry about you. What happened?" I asked. 

"It's nothing you can fix. Just drop it." Jughead said. 

"Jug I just want to make sure your okay." 

"Did you not just listen to what I said. Just drop it. It's not that big of a deal." He mumbled. 

"You were crying and throwing things off your desk! It is a big deal." I said raising my voice. I didn't want to get in a fight with him, but I wanted to know what was wrong. He always made me tell him what was bothering me, why couldn't he tell me what was bothering him? 

"Just go, leave me alone. I don't want to keep repeating myself to someone who clearly doesn't care enough about me to just drop it." Jughead said. 

"The reason I won't drop it is because I care about you!" I said. 

"If you did Betty then you would drop it, get out!" He said harshly. I turned around walking right out of his room. When I got down to the steps I saw Archie on the couch. He saw the tears running down my cheeks. 

"What's wrong?" He asked. 

"Just leave me alone." I said before slamming his front door. I walked back to my house going straight to my room. I closed my curtains before laying down on my bed. 

I was angry that Jughead wouldn't tell me anything, it made me feel like he didn't trust me. I was also mad at the fact that he was hiding how hurt he was in front of me. 

Jughead's POV
After Betty slammed my door I laid down in my bed with more tears running down my cheeks. All she wanted to do was help but I wouldn't let her know about my parents, about my life before Fred adopted me. I didn't want her to know about my past because I didn't want it to change her take on me in the future. 

I wanted to have kids with this girl. She meant the world to me. I didn't want her thinking I would turn out like my parents and because of that she now hates me and thinks I hate her, when really I'm just scared. 

I looked over at her window seeing her shutting the the curtains. She had tears running down her cheeks. I laid back down closing my eyes. However a couple minutes later Archie came in our room. 

"What do you want?" I asked. 

"Why did Betty leave here crying?" He asked. 

"We had a small fight." 

"What happened?" He asked sitting on the bed. 

"She saw me crying and throwing things. Archie I don't want to tell her about my past, she's never asked and I never told. But now she doesn't trust me because I won't tell her why I was crying." He said. 

"Why were you crying though?" Archie asked. 

"I found out something new about my parents." I said. 

"Betty isn't going to judge you for your past. Just tell her dude, you make her tell you everything. Just tell her." Archie said. 

"Okay." I mumbled. 

That night I went and got some flowers, then went to Betty's house. I knew her parents were away for the weekend. I knocked on the door, a minute later she answered. When she saw me she went to shut the door but I stopped her. 

"I want to tell you why I was crying and upset." 

"Fine." Betty said letting me in. I handed her the flowers making her smile. She went and put them in water before we both sat on the couch. 

"Betty, I didn't grow up with a good family. My mom and dad were always drunk. My aunt took my sister but no one wanted a weird kid who enjoyed writing more then playing outside with everyone else. I was stuck with my parents who drank every night. I wanted away from them, I told Archie. So when he found out his dad took me in, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to think I was gonna turn put like that. I don't drink for that very reason. I don't want to become the monsters my parents are." 

"Jughead I would never think you were gonna become like them. But why were you crying today?" Betty asked grabbing my hand. 

"You know how ever summer I would leave for a week to go to a camp?" I asked. 

"Yeah." Betty said softly. 

"I wasn't going to a camp, I was going to my aunt's house to see my sister, but today I found out that they moved and my aunt no longer wants to see me. So I'm not welcome." I said. 

"Jug, I'm so sorry." Betty said. Her soft hand gently wiped a tear away. 

"It's not your fault, I'm just sorry I didn't tell you beforehand." 

"You don't have to say sorry. I understand why you didn't say anything before, but please know that I will never think that you are gonna end up like them. I know you Jug." She said. 

"I know, but Betty I want a future with you, I just don't want you thinking I would be a horrible dad or something like that." I said. 

"You kids with me?" Betty asked. 

"Well yeah, I mean we have talked about it before." 

"I know we have, but I didn't know if you were just saying that or you really wanted to have a family with me." Betty said. 

"I want to grow old with you, no one else could ever make me as happy. No one is as caring as you and no one could ever be as sweet as you." I said. 

"I love you Jug." She smiled. 

"I love you too. Thank you for always being there for me, even when I was scared to tell you what was wrong." I said. 

"I'll always be here, just like you are for me." She said before laying a soft kiss on my lips. 

Bughead Oneshots part 3Where stories live. Discover now