• Chapter Six •

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I go to my next classes after homeroom, but unsurprisingly, no one knows how to talk to me. By the time lunchtime rolls around, I start to feel dread. I hate the noise in there, and the only thing that used to make it better was sitting at a table with Jiro, Mina, and Yaoyorozu and listening to them talk. As I wait in line, I can't help but tap my foot nervously.

"Oi." A rough voice behind me causes me to frighten and spin around quickly.

"I literally said I'm blind and you still think it's okay to sneak up behind me?" I sigh.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I already said. People look down on me when they find out I have a disability. They start to feel like they need to protect me or something." I shuffle my feet and quickly tell Lunch Rush my order, "They're too scared to even mention the topic most of the time."

Bakugou promptly orders his food and goes back to the original conversation, "What the hell does that even mean?"

"It means I make blind jokes and it scares them. It means that they might accidentally say 'look' or 'see' in a conversation and then start apologizing even though one, I don't care, and two, I probably didn't even notice." I wrinkle my nose, "It's stupid."

"What's stupid is you not telling anyone." Bakugou growls, "You think any of the idiots in our class are going to care if you're blind or not? Half of them practically worship you." We both sit down at a table, separate from the others.

"Why would I have to tell anyone?" I frown, "It's not any of their business."

"Yeah, but our class could be fighting together and that's kind of important information!"

"Yeah? And how is that important, huh?" I feel my hand movements go frenzied and irate.

"What situations would be bad for you because of your disability? I know you can't read shit. That's kind of important." Bakugou points out.

"Whatever." I take a bite of food, feeling anger bubbling inside me.

Bakugou POV

God, this idiot is infuriating. But her recent confession has also caused a sickening pit in my stomach. No wonder she looked so lost in the crowd of reporters this morning. No wonder she doesn't fall for visual fake-outs in a fight. How did I not notice sooner? And how the hell did IcyHot find out?

Himiko eats quietly, pushing the food around her plate and only occasionally taking a bite. This brings another question, "What did your parents think of you wanting to become a hero?"

She laughs. Not with warmth, a cold, bitter laugh. Her amber eyes slowly drift to my face, "I wouldn't know. I've lived alone for over a year. I'm sure if they found out, they'd be horrified."

"You—" An alarm goes off, causing the idiot to startle.

"There has been a Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly."

The alarm blares and the cafeteria turns into chaos as everyone charges towards the door. Himiko slowly stands up, her eyes darting around in confusion. Before she has time to take a single step, she's swept away in the crowd.

"Oi! Idiot!" I shove through, looking for her. She's pretty short, making her harder to find. Let's hope she didn't get trampled. When I find her, she's pressed against the corner of a wall, wincing in pain. I manage to shove through the mass of panicked idiots. I grab her wrist and pull her close, "You idiot! If you can't do well in crowds, why the hell would you think it's a good idea to go charging into one!"

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