• Chapter Seven •

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Bakugou POV

Somehow, I've gotten stuck picking the brat up from dance. Again. I'm earlier this time. Seeing as I have nothing better to do, I sit and watch the dancer from yesterday. She's in the same studio as yesterday. But the shudders are pulled up, allowing the floor-to-ceiling windows to illuminate her with light from the setting sun. It actually looks pretty cool, her silhouette backlit by golden light. She wears a long-sleeved black leotard and a long white skirt. It's made out of a wispy, see-through material that flutters around her and practically glows in the light.

I can hear music drifting through the door. She moves perfectly with it, twirling and jumping around the room to the music. She lifts her leg, making an obtuse angle. Jesus Christ, she's flexible.

Seeing her flexibility makes me think I should work on my own flexibility to avoid muscle pulls during fights. I'm more flexible than most of the shitty nerds in my class, but hers is next level. More impressive is the way she incorporates her extreme flexibility into her movements so naturally.

If I could learn to incorporate more flexibility into my fighting style, I might have a better chance at beating the stupid Himiko nerd.

"She's so pretty, Kat-skee." Kasumi says eagerly. I jump, not realizing the brat was standing next to me.

"Jesus–kid—" I sigh, "Are you ready?"

"I'm not done." The brat sits on the floor and pulls off her dance shoes. While she does, her eyes remain glued on the dancing girl through the glass. She's putting on her sparkly sneakers when she gasps, causing me to glance at the dancer.

The dancer spins at a ridiculously quick rate, mesmerizingly perfect. She comes out of the spin, passionately going into an impressively high split jump before landing on her hands. How does she get so much height on those jumps?

"Keep tying your shoes, brat." I mutter, glancing at Kasumi who sits gaping at the dancer. The song comes to a close and the dancer straightens up. She walks over to her bag, which sits right by the window, just on the other side of the glass to me. Now that she's closer, I freeze in realization.

It's that fucking nerd.

She wipes beads of sweat from her face, running a hand through her short hair. She frowns and looks up, making direct eye contact with me. She can't see me, right? The girl stands up slowly and starts moving towards the door.

"Okay, time to go, brat." I lift up Kasumi, hoping to make a quick exit without being noticed. I sling Kasumi's bag over my shoulder, rushing down the hallway.


Shit. I slowly turn around. That stupid nerd stands in the middle of the hallway, her amber gaze flickering back and forth.

"What do you want, nerd?" I close my eyes angrily. Why did the old hag have to make me go get Kasumi?

"Kat-skee! Can we say hi?" Kasumi tugs on my shirt, still sitting in my arms. I slowly set the brat down, and she immediately runs to Himiko.

"Who's this, Bakugou?" The idiot crouches down, ruffling Kasumi's hair.

"My younger cousin, Kasumi."

"It's nice to meet you, Kasumi." Himiko grins, looking irritatingly happy. The brat beams, looking like she's just met a celebrity. The brat's so overwhelmed that she can only gape at Himiko. In response, the girl chuckles and lifts up the girl, wiggling her eyebrows at me, "So, Kat-skee, how'd you get stuck on babysitting duty?"

"Tch, don't call me that. Some emergency business thing with her parents."

"I see." Himiko smiles at Kasumi, "Would you like me to walk you home instead of that mean boy?"

"YES!" The brat claps her hands in excitement. Himiko chuckles and shoulders her bag.

"Lead the way, Kat-skee." She teases.

"Don't call me that, idiot. Do you want to die?" I shove my hands in my pocket, grudgingly letting Himiko follow me while holding the brat's hand. The entire time, Kasumi rambles about her admiration towards Himiko. At least I don't have to do any talking.

By the time we get to my house, Kasumi's talked herself to death. I don't know when Himiko started carrying the brat, but Kasumi's fast asleep against Himiko's chest when we get to my house. I unlock the door and announce my arrival.

"About damn time!" The hag shouts, "Why the hell were you so...late?" The old hag peeks into the entrance of our home, noticing Himiko. Her face lights up, "Who's this?"

"Tch." I kick off my shoes and glance at Himiko.

She shifts her hold on Kasumi, "I'm Himiko Kai. I'm Bakugou's classmate and I also happen to dance at Kasumi's studio. We bumped into each other at the dance studio. It's nice to meet you...?"

"Mitsuki Bakugou. I'm Katsuki's mother."

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Bakugou." The nerd tries to hand Kasumi off to me, "I should get going, but it was nice to meet you."

"It's getting kind of late. Would you like to stay for dinner?" The old hag says insistently. Please no. I scowl at my mother.

"She doesn't want whatever shitty dinner you made."

"Be respectful, Katsuki." The hag scolds me before turning back to Himiko, "You're more than welcome to stay for dinner, Himiko."

Himiko hesitates, "I would like that, actually. And please, just call me Kai. I much prefer it to Himiko." She gently sets Kasumi down, removing Kasumi's shoes and then her own. She casts a quick look in my direction, "If you don't mind, Bakugou."

"Tch." I scoff, "The old hag will throw a fit if you don't stay now."

Himiko—Kai nods slowly. She carefully lifts a sleepy-eyed Kasumi, "Where should I—?"

"She ate before dance class, so I'll just take her to bed." I roll my eyes and take the brat upstairs.

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