• Chapter Nine •

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Bakugou POV

It's not until we sit down for dinner that I realize that I lent that idiot a hoodie with my name on the back. It's a sweatshirt from when I played baseball in middle school. It looks huge on her. The old hag notices and glances at me. I used to love that hoodie.

"So...Kai, how did you end up walking to our home with our son and Kasumi?" My old man asks, interrupting the hag's fit about my putting Sriracha on my curry.

"I've been going to that dance studio for over a year, but I've been dancing for much longer. I guess a few of the younger girls have started to look up to me, including Kasumi. She was so excited about meeting me that I thought I'd let her talk to me about dance on the way home. It was convenient that Bakugou was there because I probably wouldn't have gone with a complete stranger." Kai says politely.

"That's very sweet of you." The old hag says, looking a bit too excited, "So how are you liking UA?"

"It's different." The idiot ponders her response for a moment, "I was–um...I was homeschooled up until this year, so it's been interesting to adjust to being in a full class."

"How did you and Katsuki get to know each other?"

"Tch. She sits right behind me, old hag." I growl.

"Wait, this is the girl you were grumbling about yesterday?" The old hag gives me an obnoxious look, "The one that beat you in that training exercise."

"Yes!" I pound my fist into the table, glaring at the stupid nerd, "But it won't happen again."

Obnoxiously, she only shrugs, "Whatever you say."

"Not at the table, Katsuki." My father murmurs.

The rest of the meal, the old hag basically interrogates Kai, who responds politely every time.

* * *

The dinner from hell has finally ended. Kai thanks my family for the meal and goes to leave, But not before the old hag insists that I walk her home. My anger spikes, "She's strong enough to walk home by her damn self."

"Katsuki. Listen to your mother."

Just like normal, I get no say. The stupid nerd slips on her shoes and I follow her out into our front yard. She purses her lips, "I don't live too far away, you don't have to walk me."

"Tch. If I walk back into the house so soon, the old hag will have a fit. Just walk."

"Why do you call her that?" She asks quietly.

I scoff, "Because that's what she is."

"She seems really nice."

"Tch. Only to you." I roll my eyes, "She's always in my business."

"Still, it must be nice to have her. She obviously cares." The idiot looks like she has more to say, but she only closes her mouth and hums distractedly.

"Your stretches."


I sigh in agitation, "What stupid stretches do you do, idiot? You're obviously really flexible."

"Oh. I can show you my stretch routine tomorrow, if you'd like. I have the studio rented out for a full two hours. Six to eight tomorrow evening." She fiddles with the strap of her bag.

"Sure. Whatever. I'll be there tomorrow." We continue walking in silence. Not ten minutes later, we reach an apartment complex.

Kai pauses and turns to me, "I'm on the top floor, you don't have to walk me all the way up there."

"I'm supposed to walk you all the way home, idiot."

"Whatever." The girl turns back around and continues walking, I follow. We climb the stairs, not even bothering with the out-of-service elevator. Kai reaches the unit on the very end and pulls out her keys. On the other side of the door, there's a soft scratching sound. The sound seems to prompt her to move faster. She unlocks and swings the door open, revealing a fluffy black and white dog with the same amber eyes as hers.

A grin spreads across her face, "There's my boy! Hey Sora!" The dog eagerly wags his tail, licking her hands and nudging her legs with his muzzle. After his greeting towards her, the dog wanders over to me, nudging my hand slightly with his wet nose. Kai turns to face me, "It's okay, you can pet him. He's not working right now."

I crouch down and run my hands through the dog's soft neck floof. In response, he licks my face, causing me to pull back with a small laugh. He's so soft, and his gentle amber eyes seem to glimmer intelligently. I'd always wanted a dog when I was younger.

"What breed?" I ask quietly, scratching him behind the ears.

"Border collie." Kai responds. The dog pushes against my chest, causing me to fall out of my crouch. He nuzzles my face, licking at my neck and hair. Delight bubbles through my body. I chuckle and run a hand through his soft fur. When I pull my attention from the dog, Kai leans against her doorway with an amused smile, "You are such a softie, Katsuki Bakugou."

"Tch. I am not." I stand up, attempting to brush the abundant amount of white fur from my dark clothes. I give Sora a final head pat and turn around to leave.

"Thanks for walking me home, Bakugou." Kai calls after me.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and start walking back home, picking white fur from my clothes.


"What did you think, Sora?" I chuckle as I close my apartment door, "He's not so bad after all, hm?" Sora's collar jangles as he runs around my legs. I mumble to myself, "Who would've thought he'd be such a softie for animals. Cute, huh?"

Wait...no...not that I think— he's cute or anything. I've only known him a few days.

"I must be tired." I grumble, digging my sweaty dance clothes from my bag and tossing them in my laundry basket. I feel too lazy to get ready for bed, my muscles sore from training and dancing. I half-heartedly brush my teeth and flop into bed, falling asleep in clothing that smells sweet and smoky.

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