• Chapter Ten •

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Rarely do I wake up feeling pure dread. Of course, many of my nights are filled with restless sleep and relentless nightmares. But the nightmares don't cause dread so much as raw fear and panic. Normally, as long as I sleep nightmare-free, I wake up feeling relatively happy (as happy as one can be at six in the morning). Yet, now it's happened twice in a row. The dread I woke up feeling yesterday has multiplied exponentially, causing a knot in my stomach.

The dread is so great I can't bring myself to eat breakfast due to the queasiness in my stomach. Instead, I opt for a cup of tea and shove a couple energy bars in my schoolbag. After putting food and water in Sora's bowls, I reluctantly leave for school. Why does it feel like something terrible is going to happen?

* * *

"For today's basic hero training, it's turned into a class with three instructors: All Might and Myself, and one other person." Aizawa drawls in a bored tone.

"Excuse me, what will we be doing?" Sero questions. I hear Aizawa display something, obviously, I can't read it.

Aizawa adds on, "Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training" Oh, I guess that's easy enough. My classmates chatter among themselves. While there's a feeling of excitement in the air, I can't bring myself to shake the dread in the pit of my stomach.

Should I tell Aizawa?

Aizawa allows us to decide whether to wear our hero costumes or not. Seeing as Hatsume just finished mine, I'm eager to test it out. Aizawa leaves us with orders to get changed and get on the bus. As guessed, almost everyone opts to wear their hero costume. Except for Midoriya, that is. I grab my own hero suit and run to the locker rooms to change.

Everyone buzzes with excitement. I ignore the pit in my stomach, too distracted by my new hero suit. I change away from the others, and I change quickly. Once I'm finished, I run to the bus. Once I get there, there's only a couple other people there.

"You look great, Kai!" Kirishima says sweetly. Next to him, Bakugou is unusually silent.

Bakugou POV

She looks different in her hero suit. She looks...badass. It's a black bodysuit with small copper-colored detailing that matches her eyes. There are black mesh cut outs on the sleeves, on the sides of her torso, and on the sides of her legs. The top of her suit is fitted to her body, showing off her lean and muscular shoulders. The sleeves connect to open gloves and while the neckline is a high turtleneck, a hood connects to the shoulders. The pants flare out in a baggy style, tucked in and slightly billowing over the top of her boots. Along with cargo-like pockets, she wears a variety of belts that carry various pouches and weapons, including a whole-ass katana. She wears a copper cuff on each wrist.

What does this suit have to do with her quirk? What is her quirk, exactly?

"You look great, Kai!" Shitty hair exclaims.

"Thanks." Kai smoothes her fingers over her suit, "I think this suit will really help me in battle."

"That fabric looks nice and light, that's smart."

"It's very light!" The stupid nerd beams, "And it actually has copper woven into the thread, which will help my quirk generate more power because it's so conductive."

"Isn't her suit cool?" Shitty hair shakes my arm obnoxiously.

"Tch." I turn my head away to hide my cheeks, which feel hot, "It's better than most of the shitty fashion choices our classmates made."

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