• Chapter One •

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Being a pilot in the Navy was exhilarating, having complete and utter control of something much bigger than yourself. Being up in the air brought a sense of serenity that Kara Bradshaw would never get tired of.

But what she did get tired of was the sexism in the Navy.

She was the only female Naval Aviator and it was no walk in the park, to say the very least.

It was as if the men had made it their life's mission to prove that she had no business being up in the air with them with the same old comments, every day: "A woman's place is in the kitchen." and "You should be taking care of your husband and raising babies."

She had to prove herself countless times and was not afraid in doing so, by leading with 5 confirmed and consecutive dogfight kills.

And the added bonus of it all?

Kara had some pretty good guys behind her back, giving her their full support. One of them being her older brother, Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw, who was her biggest supporter of all. Of course, he'd prefer that his little sister didn't follow after him in pursuing such a dangerous career path but he was always right in her corner, supporting her every move and milestone - which was why Kara looked up to him so much.

Peter 'Maverick' Mitchell had been friends with the Bradshaw siblings since meeting the eldest in flight school, only for the two to be paired together as pilot and RIO. Since then, the two had become inseparable, quickly becoming best friends and brothers. This, had also, automatically made him close with the younger Bradshaw sibling, treating her like she was his little sister.

And lastly, there was Terence 'Neo' Khan, the only man in the Navy who had no issue flying with a woman by becoming Kara's RIO. He couldn't care less about her gender, only caring about how much of damn good pilot she was. They've been flying together for a little over 7 years now, with Kara having recently being the maid of honour of Terence's wife at his wedding.

It's safe to say that Kara 'Ghost' Bradshaw had a pretty great support system backing her up in the corner.

Kara and Terence had been lounging around in the briefing room as they had recently just finished their patrol, and were now waiting on Maverick and Goose, who were currently up in the air on their shift

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Kara and Terence had been lounging around in the briefing room as they had recently just finished their patrol, and were now waiting on Maverick and Goose, who were currently up in the air on their shift.

"Who did you say Mav and your brother were flying with, again?" Terence asked as he tossed a baseball up in the air and caught it in his hand.

"Hmm." Kara hummed, as her hazel eyes scanned through printed words on the pages in her book, seated on the couch opposite her RIO with her knees pulled up to her chest. "Cougar and Merlin."

Terence chuckled lightly, catching the baseball in his hand. "Sounds like fun." He teased.

The blonde simply glanced up from her book, smiling over at her Rio before her gaze fell onto a pilot that had just entered the room.

Ghost • Tom KazanskyWhere stories live. Discover now