• Epilogue •

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5 years later:

Kara stepped out onto the porch, which overlooked the backyard as an adoring smile graced her lips at the sight of her husband playing with their son.

She let out a soft giggle as she watched their three-year-old chase after his father - with Tom making sure he wasn't running too fast from the blonde haired boy before he suddenly turned around and scooped him up into his arms.

Tom held his son up in the air, the three-year-old laughing uncontrollably from his stomach as he held his arms out as if he were a plane.

"Break time, boys." Kara called to them, grabbing their attention as she placed a tray of juice and a plate of food down on the table.

Tom lowered his son down from the air and put him down, only to chuckle lightly as the three-year-old ran towards his mother.

Kara smiled softly at the incoming toddler and giggled as he hugged her around her leg.

She ran her fingers through his blonde curls and leaned down to kiss his cheek. "Go eat up, hun." She cooed and watched as the toddler ran to the table, only for him to clap his hands in excitement as he saw his favourite food on his plate beside his cup of juice.

Soon, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist before a kiss was placed on her shoulder.

Kara hummed softly as she leaned into her husband's embrace, which elicited a soft chuckle from Tom in response.

"Five years later, and I still have an effect on you." He whispered into her ear with a cocky smirk.

The blonde rolled her eyes with a smile and twisted herself around in his arms, swatting his chest lightly.

"And you haven't changed at all in those five years, Kazansky." She teased, wrapping her arms around his neck.

The ice-cold pilot simply winked at her with a charming smile before he placed his hands on her swollen belly, his icy blue gaze shifting between his wife and her stomach.

"How are my girls?" He asked, rubbing her stomach gently.

"We are just fine." Kara replied, peering up at him as she placed her hand over his. "We couldn't be happier."

With a smile, Tom removed one hand from her stomach and brought it up to gently cup her face before he brought his lips down to hers, where they shared a loving kiss before a protest was heard from their toddler.

"Daddy, stop sucking off Mommy's face!" The three-year-old exclaimed.

Kara smiled against Tom's lips and giggled as she pulled away from him, her hazel gaze shining with amusement as she cleared her throat softly.

"You heard our little man, Commander Kazansky." She teased.

"Remind me to never leave Ron alone with our son again." Tom responded with a tired sigh as he fought back an amused smile.

The female pilot snorted in amusement. "Well, that's going to be tough." She said and patted his chest lightly. "We did make him TJ's godfather."

"Worst decision we made." The ice-cold pilot teased only to grin playfully at his wife as she swatted his chest once again.

He stared down at her, just as her hazel gaze met his icy blues.

"I love you, Kara Kazansky." He said with a tone full of adoration.

Kara smiled up at him. "I love you, Tom Kazansky." She responded and leaned up, capturing his lips with hers in a short, sweet, and loving kiss before they made their way over to their son.

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