• Chapter Three •

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"Kara! Come on already!" Terence called out from the living room which made Kara roll her eyes slightly.

"I'm almost done!" The blonde yelled back from her bedroom.

Despite her many protests about the idea, she was being dragged down to the club by her brother, his pilot and her RIO.

Opting against wearing her formal dress-white uniform, the younger Bradshaw had decided on a modest, black satin, long-sleeved jumpsuit with a silver belt around her waist. The top of the jumpsuit covered her cleavage but had left just enough for the imagination. She had paired her outfit off with a pair of black, strapped heels to match.

Her makeup was nothing fancy, just simple and natural, which seemed to make her hazel eyes more prominent, while her blonde, wavy locks had been left loose - cascading to just below her shoulder.

She ran her fingers through her hair and, with a soft sigh, grabbed hold of her purse and made her way out of her bedroom and towards the living room.

"Oh, no." Terence said, immediately shaking his head as his pilot came into view.

"Nick, you better come and fix this!" Pete exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes slightly towards the young woman. "Go and change."

"Lay off her, guys." Nick stated, rolling his eyes slightly before he smiled at his little sister. "You look beautiful."

A smile graced the blonde's features. Nick was your typical protective older brother, but he wasn't the overly-protective type that hovered and watched his sister's every move.

"And this is why you're my favourite brother." She said, patting him on the shoulder lightly.

"I'm your only brother." The eldest Bradshaw replied with a laugh.

"No, nope." Pete continued to protest. "It's too revealing."

"Have you seen that neckline?" Terence added. "Too much cleavage."

"There is literally nothing showing." Kara stated and arched a brow in question. "What, would you rather have me dress like a nun?"

Terence and Pete exchanged a look with each other before turning their gaze back to the blonde. "Yes." They replied in unison.

"Figures." Kara muttered with a roll of her eyes. "Alright, boys, let's go before I change my mind."

Music blared throughout the packed club, which was filled with pilots, Naval officers, and regular civilians, who were either chatting or dancing

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Music blared throughout the packed club, which was filled with pilots, Naval officers, and regular civilians, who were either chatting or dancing.

Stepping inside, Kara was immediately hit with the scent mixed of alcohol and smoke.

"This is what I call a target-rich environment." Pete said with a smirk as they had come to a brief stop near the entrance, his dark eyes scanning over the women present.

"Ew." Kara muttered, scrunching her nose slightly.

"You live your life between your legs, Mav." Nick stated with a pat to his pilot's shoulder before they made their way further inside, towards the bar.

"Goose, even you could get laid in a place like this." The pilot responded, smiling charmingly at a few women as he passed by.

"Great!" Kara exclaimed with a sweet smile. "Then you can bet that I'll be first in line to tell Carole that you were behind this."

Pete narrowed his eyes into a playful glare before he ruffled the blonde woman's hair.

"I've already found me a girl who'll talk dirty to me." Nick replied with a proud smile, his brown eyes shining with emotion at the thought of his wife back home.

"Yeah, and don't even get me started on Pep." Terence added with a nod and a smile across his face. "She'd have my ass if she even caught me in a place like this."

"You two are so whipped." Pete teased with a shake of his head.

"No." Kara responded, glancing at her brother and RIO. "They're smart."

Arriving at the bar, the Bradshaw siblings took a seat all while Terence and Pete had leaned beside them.

"Could I get a Mermaid Mimosa, please?" Kara asked the bartender with a polite smile.

"And three beers." Nick added to the order and twisted around in his seat, his eyes catching sight of a familiar pilot.

"Mav." He called to his best friend, which also grabbed the attention of both his sister and her RIO. "You wanna know who the best is? That's him, Iceman."

Following her brother's gaze, Kara was met with the sight of the same pilot who had stared at her during their introduction to the program earlier that day.

"That's the way he flies, ice-cold, no mistakes." Nick continued. "He just wears you down, you get bored, frustrated, do something stupid, and he's got you."

Kara glanced at her brother before shifting her gaze back towards the pilot known as Iceman.

She quietly assessed him as he took a sip of his ice water. His icy blue eyes were hidden behind his aviators that he wore as he shifted his gaze towards the woman on his arm.

As if he had felt her gaze, the pilot had lifted his head to look at her - which she had only assumed that he was looking at her. He was undoubtedly handsome. She wasn't going to lie. However, her assessment of the pilot had quickly come to an end when her brother spoke up, grabbing her attention.

"Hey, hey, Slider." Nick said, stopping a tall, dark-haired man - of around 6'1" in height - in the white Naval uniform. "Thought you wanted to be a pilot, man. What happened?" He asked and messed with the wings that were pinned to his shirt.

The man, known as Slider, glanced down at his wings on his shirt before he released a soft scoff. "Goose, you're such a dickhead. Whose butt did you kiss to get in here?" He asked with a smirk, which made Kara bite back her amused smile.

"Well, the list is long but distinguished." The eldest Bradshaw responded, his smile never faltering.

"Yeah, well, so is my johnson." Slider replied and threw back a shot.

"Charming." Kara said sarcastically, before smiling politely at the bartender, who had just handed her a drink, and took a sip.

"So, you're flying with Iceman, huh?" Nick asked.

"It's Mr. Iceman to you." Slider stated just as the pilot in question had walked up to the group, coming to a stop beside Terence, where his eyes fell onto Kara.

The blonde woman met his icy blue gaze, peering up at him through her dark lashes as she licked her lips of any residue that was left over from her mimosa.

A smirk tugged at the corner's of the pilot's mouth before he turned towards her brother with a smile. "Hey, Mother Goose. How's it going?" He greeted and held his hand out.

"Good, Tom." Nick replied, shaking his hand before he gestured towards the trio behind him for an introduction. "This is my sister, Kara, Pete Mitchell and Terence Khan. Tom Kazansky."

Tom turned towards Kara, a smirk across his lips. "Nice to meet you." He said.

"Nice to meet you too." The youngest Bradshaw responded with her own smirk, before she pushed herself off of the barstool and onto her feet. "I'll let you boys continue having your dick measuring contest. Be sure to let me know who won."

Giving the five men a sweet smile, her hazel gaze met the amused, yet intrigued icy blues belonging to Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky.

With her smile not once faltering, she stepped past him, allowing him to catch a whiff of her perfume as she walked to the other end of the bar, unintentionally swaying her hips as she had done so - which had left Tom to watch her retreating figure with a smirk.

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