• Chapter Sixteen •

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She stood in front of her mirror as she pulled her blonde locks up into the tight military style bun, and released a soft sigh as she took in her appearance - decked out in her dress white uniform and not a strand of hair out of place.

Her gaze landed onto the polaroid that she had stuck in the top left-hand corner of her mirror - the picture of the four smiling faces of Nick, Pete, and Terence with herself stuck in between the boys.

"I wish you two were here.." She whispered with a soft smile as she stared at figures of her brother and Pete.

A knock sounded against her door, forcing her to shift her gaze slightly in the mirror to see the reflection of her RIO standing in the doorway - the blonde man all suited up in his dress whites.

"Hey, T." Kara greeted and turned around to face her friend.

"Hey." Terence replied with a soft smile as he approached his pilot. "You doing okay?"

"Mmhmm." She hummed with a soft smile and a nod of her head before her gaze flickered back to the polaroid.

Terence followed her gaze, and he nudged her gently with a smile. "He's proud of you." He stated before Kara looked up at him. "He's so proud that, despite everything that happened, you made it."

A watery smile graced the female pilot's lips as she shifted her gaze once again, back onto her brother in the polaroid. "Nicky never gave up on me." She responded. "Not, him, not you, not Pete, not Tom.. I have some pretty great guys in my life who I didn't want to let down."

"You, let us down?" Terence quizzed before he waved his hand playfully. "Girl, please."

With a playful roll of her eyes, Kara brushed her hands over her uniform and gave herself one last look in the mirror before she turned to face her RIO.

"Let's graduate."

A round of applause echoed throughout the open-air venue as Jester approached the podium, his gaze settled onto the aviators seated before him

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A round of applause echoed throughout the open-air venue as Jester approached the podium, his gaze settled onto the aviators seated before him.

"Lady and gentlemen.." The instructor had begun his speech, but Kara had tuned him out as she overheard the conversation between Chipper and Sundown behind her.

"Where's Maverick?" Chipper questioned his RIO.

"Don't know where he is." Sundown answered softly.

Kara released a soft sigh and nervously began playing with her hands, only for Terence to put a stop to her anxious habit by giving her hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

"You know what he's planning to do?" Chipper asked.

"Gotta be hard on the guy, you know.." Sundown replied.

The blonde tugged her bottom lip between her teeth as she tuned both the pilot and RIO out. 

She hoped that Pete would have made the right decision and joined both her and Terence at the graduation while at the same time honouring Nick.

"I am pleased to announce this year's winners of the Top Gun trophy." Kara perked up at Jester's words before she glanced at her RIO, who was just as surprised as she was. "Judging by the expressions I am witnessing, I assure you that that was no mistake. For the first time in history, we have a tie. Out of the graduates of 1986, the Top Gun trophy goes to Iceman and Slider, and Ghost and Neo. Congratulations."

Celebrations were underway, and yet, there was still no sign of Pete

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Celebrations were underway, and yet, there was still no sign of Pete.

Although, as Kara, Terence, Tom, and Ron had taken a picture together with the Top Gun trophy, it was then when Terence had taken note of the familiar dark-haired pilot. He smiled as he met Pete's gaze and gave him a subtle nod, knowing just how happy his presence would make the female pilot.

Kara giggled softly as Tom kissed her cheek, his icy blue eyes shining with pride as he stared at her.

Ron congratulated the woman by scooping her up into a bear-hug after he had teased the couple by making 'kissy faces' at them.

Once she was back on her feet, it was then that she had noticed Pete as he approached them - her hazel eyes glistening as she smiled at him.

Pete gave her a soft smile before he shifted between the pilots and their RIOs. "Congratulations." He said and held his hand out to Tom.

"Thank you." Tom responded with a smile as he shook hands with the dark-haired pilot.

"Thanks, man." Ron said and shook hands with Pete.

"Thank you, thank you." Terence grinned teasingly and waved his hand, eliciting soft laughter from the aviators around him. "You are too kind."

"Thank you, Pete." Kara said and pulled her friend into an embrace. "I'm glad you decided to come."

"And miss seeing my friend make history?" Pete quizzed as he returned the gesture. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Aww, thanks, Mav. You are so sweet." Terence teased, placing a hand on his chest as he wiped a fake tear.

Kara and Pete shifted their gaze towards her RIO and simply laughed in response at his playful antics before they, along with Tom and Ron, were approached by Rick and Leonard - who congratulated the winners of the Top Gun trophy.

The seven aviators chatted amongst themselves as they ate and sipped on some champagne before their attention was caught by their Commander's approach to the table.

"Lady and gentlemen. I hate to break up the party before it really gets out of hand, but there is work to be done." Viper stated. "Some of you have to depart immediately. We have a crisis situation."

Kara glanced at Terence, exchanging a look with him before they shifted their gaze briefly towards Pete.

"Ice, Slider." Jester called and held out an envelope.

"Yo." Tom responded and took the envelope into his grasp as he threw the last piece of the snack into his mouth, only for Ron to grab the envelope from him.

"Ghost, Neo." 

"Sir." Kara replied as she was handed her envelope and opened it beside Terence, where they could read over the page together.

"Hollywood, Wolfman."

"Yes, sir." Rick stated as he took the envelope into his grasp and opened it with Leonard.


Kara looked up from the page and towards the dark-haired pilot as he stepped forward to retrieve his envelope, her heart racing with worry for her friend.

Silence fell over the aviators as they read over the details for their mission, with a small smirk tugging at the corners of Tom's lips not going unnoticed by the younger Bradshaw.

"Maverick, you'll get your RIO when you get to the ship." Viper stated, his gaze settled on the pilot in question. "If you don't, give me a call. I'll fly with you."

A small smile tugged at Kara's lips as she turned her attention towards her friend, who nodded his head at the ommander.

"Sir." Pete responded.

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