• Chapter Ten •

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Their second date was nothing too fancy, nor was it dull. It was simply comfortable and sweet.

Tom had taken Kara out to 60's themed diner, where they both sat in a booth towards the back, beside a large window that had allowed them to view the sunset.

The pair had decided on milkshakes and a large plate of fries that they had shared between themselves - which may or may not have resulted in a small food fight breaking out between them, tossing the fries at each other with laughter.

After their light bite to eat at the diner, Tom took Kara to a park where they had walked side-by-side along the pathway, chatting away as they ate their ice cream.

The sky had, once again, been cast in various shades of dark orange and pink with hints of purple as the sun had almost fully set.

With their sweet treat now finished, the pair had come to a stop on a bridge that went over a small pond and simply enjoyed the serenity around them until a street performer that stood further down the pathway, began playing the melody belonging to the song Heaven by Bryan Adams.

Kara looked over at the man with a soft smile gracing her lips. "I love this song." She said and soon found herself singing along to the song.

Tom's eyes shifted towards the blonde, a soft smile of his own forming across his face as he admired her while listening to her sing softly. He grabbed her attention by bringing one hand up to cup her face, gently turning her around so that she faced him while he laced his fingers with hers, with his other hand.

"Would you be my girlfriend, Kara Bradshaw?" He asked with a soft tone as icy blue eyes met with hazel.

A soft smile graced the blonde's lips as she peered up at him, but she couldn't help herself.

"Hmm, I'd have to think about that." She teased cheekily, pretending to think to herself for a moment before a light giggle escaped her. "I guess that would be alright."

Tom rolled his eyes with a light-hearted chuckle at her answer before he pulled her closer and leaned in to kiss her.

It felt like they were in their own little bubble, as if nothing and no one else mattered but them in that exact moment.

They pulled away slightly, only to lean their foreheads against each other's with bright smiles drawing across their lips.

With one final kiss for the evening, Kara bit her lip and closed the door with a smile as a soft sigh of contentment escaped her

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With one final kiss for the evening, Kara bit her lip and closed the door with a smile as a soft sigh of contentment escaped her.

As she turned around, she was met with the sight of her brother, sister-in-law, Terence, Pep, and Pete all standing in the hallway with expectant gazes - while Carole and Pep grinned at her excitedly.

Kara rolled her eyes playfully as she sensed their burning, silent question. "You know, you five are way too invested in my love life." She teased, deciding to mess with them.

"Hey, I'm your older brother." Nick pointed out. "It's my duty to make sure that guys treat you the way you deserve to be treated."

"And I'm your RIO, I need to know if I'm going to be Maid of Honour or not." Terence added.

"I couldn't care less about this, to be honest." Pete responded with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh, Maverick, be nice!" Carole exclaimed with a light swat to his arm before she turned to her sister-in-law. "So?"

"So, what?" Kara feigned innocence with a teasing smile, only to be met with pointed looks. "Oh, alright. He asked me to be his girlfriend. We're officially dating."

Carole shrieked out of pure joy and excitement as both her and Pep ran towards the blonde and engulfed her in a hug.

"I called it!" Terence exclaimed with a proud grin. "Didn't I call it? I am a genius!"

Kara rolled her eyes with a fond smile at her RIO as her friend and sister-in-law released her from their embrace, and she met her brother's brown eyes.

Nick smiled softly and ruffled her hair fondly with a playful glint in his eyes before he hugged her. "I'm happy as long as you are happy, little sister." He said and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "But if he breaks your heart--"

"You'll break him." Kara finished his sentence, cutting him off in mid-sentence with a smile on her face. "I know."

The eldest Bradshaw chuckled lightly. "Exactly." He said.

"My little girl is all grown up." Terence stated as he wiped a fake tear from his eyes before hugging his pilot.

"You are so dramatic." The youngest Bradshaw laughed. "Pep, how do you even deal with him?"

"I ask myself that question every day." The curly haired woman teased with a fond smile directed towards her husband, who simply pouted.

However, all eyes soon fell onto Pete, who had been silent since Kara had confirmed that she and Iceman were now dating.

"Pete." Kara said, staring at the dark-haired pilot.

He simply looked up at her with a small smile. Him and Iceman had a rivalry ever since they had all began at Top Gun, with both men wanting to prove to the other who the better pilot was.

Tom found him to be dangerous and unpredictable whenever he was up in the air, while Pete had found Tom to be careful and strictly straight-to-the-book.

"I'm happy for you, Kara." He said, finally.

"But?" She insisted.

"But it's Kazansky." The pilot sighed heavily.

"Oh, Pete, your rivalry and dick measuring contest doesn't have to stop on my account." She stated with a teasing tone as she walked up to her friend. "All that I ask is that you try and be civil with Ice. Please, for me?" She asked with a small pout.

"I hate it when you make that face at me." The dark-haired pilot mumbled and released another sigh. "Fine. For you. But I swear, if he breaks your heart, I'm helping Goose break him."

A bright smile glittered across the blonde's lips. "I wouldn't expect anything less from Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell." She said and hugged her friend.

Pete returned the embrace as a smile of his own formed. Yes, he may have his issues with the ice-cold pilot, but he could see much how much he cared about his friend and how happy she had been ever since the first date.

In the end, he knew that both him and Tom Kazansky could agree on one thing.

Kara Bradshaw's happiness.

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