• Chapter Six •

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The following week had rolled around, and instead of a routine flight, Kara and her fellow aviators had found themselves working on an assessment.

With each of them been given a hypothetical situation, they had to work out what they thought would be the best and most effective way to avoid themselves being shot down.

Kara chewed on her pen as she went over her hypothetical strategy, only to sigh softly as she heard the whispers from Pete in front of her.

"Pete, sweetie, I love you and I would honestly appreciate it if I can finish this assessment." She said, not once glancing at the pilot in question that was seated in front of her. "But I can't do that if I have to continue listening to your terrible attempts of flirting."

"Kara, could you quit insulting me?" Pete questioned, causing the blonde to look up from her paper. "It's cute that you are trying but your attempts are pretty weak."

Kara narrowed her hazel gaze at her friend, who simply smirked in amusement, before she rolled her eyes and shifted her attention back to her paper but not without noticing the light pink blush that had dusted across Charlie's cheeks at her comment.

Focusing on her paper, she wrote down more notes when her ears picked up on the whispering from the pilot in front of her.

".. you were tempted to ask me out for dinner." She heard Pete whisper with confidence.

"I know I'm tempted to sock you in the face any second now." She muttered, purposefully loud enough for her friend to hear, interrupting their conversation.

Pete turned towards the blonde with a pointed look. "Shh!" He shushed her, causing the female pilot to smile sweetly at him in response before he shifted his attention back to Charlie, who had watched the two with amusement.

"No." She replied bluntly.

"Ha!" Kara quipped softly with a smirk.

The dark haired pilot shot his friend a playful glare before staring up at the TAGREP once more. "No?" He repeated.

"No." Charlie said. "I don't date students."

With a slight roll of her eyes, and having had enough of watching the sad scene of her friend flirting in front of her, Kara had finished off her assessment and stood up, closing the books that she had opened beside her.

"Here you go, ma'am." She said respectfully as she handed her papers over to Charlie, before she grabbed her things and left the room.

Pete's flirting had reminded her a lot of when Terence had first started talking to Pep. It had also started out as sadly as Pete's was going but they had turned into such a cute couple.

Though nothing could top her brother and sister-in-law, for completely unbiased reasons. They were the definition of couple goals.

Engrossed in her thoughts, a surprised gasp escaped past her lips as she felt a hand gently grasp her arm. Reacting on her instinct, she turned and swung her right hand, aiming straight towards the person's face.

"Woah, woah!" The smooth voice of Tom Kazansky filled her ears as he narrowly dodged the hit.

Another gasp escaped her, only this time, it was from shock.

"Oh my God. I am so sorry." Kara apologised sincerely before a sheepish smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Reflex.."

Straightening himself up, Tom stared at her with an impressed glint in his icy blue eyes. "Well, I gotta say I'm impressed." He said. "Who taught you how to swing like that?"

The female pilot shrugged lightly. "When some dumbass pilot tries his luck by grabbing your hips from behind, only to pull your ass into his crotch, you tend to pick up a few things."

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