8 † Confession

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Bakugou was pulled in front of the Pastor, the church empty.

"Ah young Bakugou, I have heard from your Father you have some words for me." The Pastor smirked, he always gave Bakugou an off feeling but he had faith in God. He gave a nod. "Then shall we get started? Mitsuki you may wait outside." His mother smiled.

"Yes Father." She left with that, after her leaving the doors opened again, both Bakugou and the Pastor looked to see Kirishima standing there, a hand planted on his neck in an awkward attempt to soothe himself.

"Sorry, I'm new to Christianity, freshly converted actually, how do I... do one of those confession thingy's?" He asked out, the Pastor looked at him in disgust. But nonetheless welcomed him in.

"You may watch as young Bakugou here preforms his confession, then you may conduct yours." He looked down at the blonde, a wild look in his eyes. They both made their way into the confession booth and Kirishima sat in the closest pew. Bakugou sighed before beginning.

"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned..." He made the sign of the cross as he took in a shuttering breath. "I have been consorting with who my mother calls the Devil's children, I have done drugs with them, I have disobeyed my Mother and Father, I have explicitly gone against their wishes for me and strayed from their plan, I have been having impure thought about another and about myself, and finally I have been harming myself as a means to escape the guilt I have burdened myself with. I have disgraced myself and my family. Please forgive me Father." He let out a breath he hadn't noticed he was holding, his hands trembling in fear. "I am sorry for these and all my sins."

"I see, my child you have strayed from the path of God, if you continue you will fall to the darkness of Lucifer. You must correct your sins by discontinuing your consorting and refusing the temptations brought upon you by the Devil. I will pray for you my child, you must say ten Hail Mary's and plead for forgiveness yourself." With that Bakugou stood from his seat.

"Thank you Father." He stated while leaving the confession. Walking past Kirishima and down the isle, tears silently streaming down his face. He made it to his car and got in, sitting beside his mother who now seemed much more calm.

"Don't you feel better? Telling the Pastor about your sins so he can speak to God for you?" All the blonde could do was nod, if he spoke he feared the sobs he tried so hard to contain would break free. They drove home silently, he obediently walked to his room and sat on his bed, he felt... numb. Usually confessions helped him feel better but now he could only feel nothingness. He slept that night without praying.

(489 Words)

Forgive Me Father... For I Have SinnedWhere stories live. Discover now