23 † Welcome Back, Son

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This is a complete side note but looking into the psychology behind suicide is utterly fascinating, like how Emily Durkheim created four categories, which are egoistic suicide, altruistic suicide, anomic suicide and fatalistic suicide. Anyways I'll only get into Fatalistic suicide because thats what's important right now but if this stuff is as interesting to you as it is to me you should totally look into it. "Fatalistic suicide occurs when individuals are kept under tight regulation. These individuals are placed under extreme rules or high expectations are set upon them, which removes a person's sense of self or individuality. Slavery and persecution are examples of fatalistic suicide where individuals may feel that they are destined by fate to be in such conditions and choose suicide as the only means of escaping such conditions."

"Welcome back, son." His father smiled, ruffling his hair. Back to normal yet again. He carried his empty shell of a son to the car, placing him in the back and beginning his drive home, it was late in the night. Both is mother and father looked at each other lovingly, as if they had just saved their son. He sat in the back silently, waiting to be home. They arrived in front of the house he called home for his entire life. He got out of the car on his own, not needing to be carried again. Even his walk lost its character, lifeless and slow. He made his way up the stairs and into his room. Looking around at it one last time. He felt nothing, no remorse, no guilt, nothing for what he was about to do. He made his way to his bathroom, grabbing that same razor from the drawer, pressing into the same arm, rewriting the nearly healed scars from the past. He didn't hiss in pain or even cry, he just looked watched as the slices became deeper and deeper, more and more blood leaking from his bruised arm. Looking at the bloody mess in satisfaction he put down the razor, rummaging through the drawer again, dripping blood on the floor and counter as he looked. His eyes landed on a bottle of pills, he reached for it just before his phone began blaring, the ringtone sounding in the whole bathroom. The blonde turned his head, his hand reaching for the phone instead, answering and pressing it to his ear. He waited.

"Bakugou?" Kirishima called out, worry covering his tone. "Bakugou you haven't been responding to any of our messages are you okay?!" He hadn't noticed the hundreds of messages blowing his phone up, it was hot against his ear. He looked down at the dripping blood.

"yes." His voice was emotionless, monotone.

"Bakugou...? Whats wrong. Where are you?" Kirishima only sounded more concerned, his heavy breaths could be heard through the phone.

"At home. Don't worry about me Kirishima. I'm alright." He tried to sound as sincere as possible but nothing was left in him.

"Okay just don't do anything, sit still. I'm coming to get you." Bakugou didn't protest, he had no care to. His parent's couldn't do anything worse than they already had.

"Okay." Was the only response he gave, sitting down on the floor, a puddle of blood slowly pooling around him, soaking his wet clothes and the carpet.

(553 Words)

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