18 † Talking

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"Kirishima." He looked to the redhead who made eye contact. "Let's pierce my ears." The taller grinned before dragging him upstairs, he pulled out a sewing needle, some alcohol, and a some ice.

"Okay hold the ice to your ear while I sterilize the needle." Bakugou did as he was told, holding the cold ice to his ear, feeling the numbing kicking in. He watched as Kirishima held a lighter to the needle watching it blacken, he then dipped it in the alcohol earning a sizzle. He held the needle up and the blonde took the ice away. "Ready?" He asked, Bakugou closed his eyes.

"Yes." With a little pinch the needle went through this ear in a straight line. Kirishima immediately replaced the needle with the piercing doused in alcohol, it stung.

"That was my first time piercing an ear, usually Ashido does it for us." He spoke, the blondes eyes bulged out of his head in disbelief. "Alright time for the other!" They repeated the steps, once it was done Bakugou looked into the mirror at the black studs, he smiled at them. "Alright now that thats done what should we do next?" The blonde shrugged, they sat there for a few minutes more before they both went back to his room to burn time. Time passed and it was now dark, they mainly spent the time talking about nothing in particular, Kirishima was laying on his bed with his head hanging off the edge. Bakugou sat on the beanbag chair in the corner of the room. The redhead got up from his position.

"We gotta meet up with Ashido and the others at the tower now." He smiled, holding out a hand to help Katsuki up. He gladly took it and they both walked to the door. "The water tower is only a few minutes of a walk, is that alright?" He asked, turning to look at the blonde who only smiled in return. They left and began their walk.

"So, why did you have red hair? Like is there any reason in particular?" Bakugou asked, trying to fill the silence.

"I guess I just like the colour red, I haven't really thought about it. But I dye my hair because it makes me stand out, be unique you know? I hate feeling like a normie." He laughed while running a hand through his spiked hair.

"Your hair doesn't naturally stand like that right?" He asked, not knowing what the answer would be, after-all his hair stands in natural spikes.

"Nah, it lays flat normally, again I spike it to be different." The silence returned after that, Bakugou anxiously kicked a rock in front of him.

"Why do you want to feel different?" He asked, now they were getting into a deeper conversation. The red head sighed.

"I'm not really sure, I guess I felt so similar to everyone else I felt alone? Ignored is a better word. Standing out makes me me, makes me my own individual. Plus now I have a group to identify with, all of them feel the same way as I do." Bakugou slightly smiled at how vulnerable his friend was being, he liked it.

"Yeah I guess having shockingly red or pink or yellow hair really does set you apart from everyone, that and twenty five piercings." He was still shocked by the number, the taller laughed.

"Yeah we got a bit carried away with me, the others don't have nearly as much. I don't know, I like them, I think. They're badass!" He shouted, slamming his fists together.

"I don't even know half the ones you said..." Katsuki trailed, blushing from the embarrassment of being clueless.

"Oh! Well. Triples are my ears, you now have singles, then theres doubles, and then triples." He showed his ear, touching all three of the piercings on his lobe. "Then cartilage is on the top of your ear, and industrial is just a special kind of cartilage in a sense, the conch is the piercing in the middle of my ear, thats it for my ears." He smiled, moving on. "On my face is my snake bites," he pointed to his lips. "my tongue," he stuck out his tongue showing off the black bead, "then both my nostrils and my septum is the one in the middle of my nose. My bridge is the one between my eyes on my nose and eyebrows are pretty self explanatory." He smiled, after a second of Katsuki nodding he continued, pulling his shirt down a bit exposing his pierced nipple. "These ones hurt like a bitch but I have one going through each, they look badass though." He laughed at the shocked face Bakugou had on. "Then theres my dick piercing, that one finally just healed. I wont show you that though, don't worry." He laughed out as they arrived at the tower. Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero were standing at the fence surrounding it.

(830 Words)

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