36 † Run Away

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"Lets go out for a smoke."

"But you aren't allowed to leave?" He asked, stopping his paces to stare in confusion, he wasn't calm though, hands trembling and brows pressed together angrily.

"Yeah well I've gotten out before. And I can do it again." He threw a smirk across his face, it was matched by the other. "Stay here." He then snuck out of the room, and into the down the hall, it was a patient he had been talking with for a while during 'social time', the lame excuse the hospital has for social interaction so people don't hermit themselves. "Oi, you in the mood to cause a scene?" The woman sat up, her yellow twin buns bobbed as she did. She nodded furiously. "Well, go on. I needa get out of here." With an excited yip from the woman he snuck back into his room. Kirishima looked confused. "Just wait a second." He pointed up and just like magic sirens started to blare, a voice came over the intercom as they ran out of the room.

"Attendants, please secure every room. Code Yellow." He snickered as they made it out the exit of the psych wing and into the rest of the hospital, b-lining for the exit. The intercom came on again. "Code White, Code White." (Just so you know Code Yellow is a missing patient and Code White is a violent patient.) They had made it to the lobby, the woman at the reception desk must have left to help because the whole place was empty. They ducked out the door and into the parking lot, Bakugou's bare feet stung against the hard pavement but he kept running, grinning wildly. Once they made it out of the parking lot and into the open area they ducked into a nearby park, more specifically the wooded area beside it. Panting they came to a stop, Kirishima sat on a fallen tree and pulled out a blunt.

"Now that was fun." He panted, lighting it. "I like this new you, you're not afraid to break the rules anymore." He laughed out, Bakugou laughing again.

"Yeah... it's not long before they realize I'm gone though. Hand it over." He reached for the joint, Kirishima gladly passing it to him. He pulled it in missing the indistinguishable flavour, holding it for just a second before pushing it out of his lungs.

"Hey you didn't cough, good job!" He exclaimed, he certainly was much calmer now, it must have been the mix of weed and adrenaline. "What do you think they'll do when they catch you?" He asked, taking the blunt back and taking a hit.

"I don't know. Maybe they'll go through with it and cuff me to the bed. Or maybe they'll sedate me so I'm a vegetable, thats happened a few times, mainly when I wouldn't sleep though. Who knows, maybe they wont catch me this time, this is farther than I've gone before." He thought for a moment, their conversation going quiet.

(506 Words)

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