34 † Birthday's

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"I gotta get out of here. It's driving me nuts." Kirishima was intrigued, he always loved a good break out. "And to think I'll be in here for my birthday." The blonde muttered, now the red head was interested in a complete different thing, birthdays.

"Wait! When's your birthday! I never really asked! Mines October 16th, Ashido says I'm a Libra, its that stupid astrology stuff. Apparently thats important to say to people, I don't know." Bakugou sighed he knew nothing about zodiac signs nor did he care. I have plenty of time before his birthday, I guess I could cook and bake him something since he likes my cooking so much. I have no clue what gift I should get him though.

"April 20." Was all he stated, going back to his thought on gifts. I could get him some more decorations for his room, he seems pretty involved in that. Or maybe something about the music he listens to? A band shirt or poster or something. I have time to think. He looked up to see the red head on his phone typing away. "Oi what are you doing?" He hummed and looked up at the scowling blonde.

"Me? Oh I'm just texting Ashido, she went to class today, loser, she says your a Taurus." Bakugou only gave a hum in response. He walked about to the other side of the bed, the blonde watched intently, then he noticed what he was wearing. His signature leather jacket that Bakugou loved, a very low cut Korn band t-shirt, the design was a young girl sitting on a swing with the shadow of a slightly distorted man standing in front of her. He had extremely baggy pants covered in chains and rips, they jingled when he walked. Then his eyes spotted them, instead of kick ass boots like he normally wore his looked at the monstrosity the other was wearing.

"The fuck is on your feet." He growled out, pointing to it.

"Hm? These, they're my crocks!" He shouted lifting his leg in the air to show, twirling his foot at the ankle.

"They're disgusting." He commented.

"Come on Bakugou! They have Jibbitz I can put on! I even got a cross for you!" He planted his foot on the bed, pointing to the upside-down cross on it. He chuckled before turning it around so it was up-right.

"Get those things off my bed." He pushed his foot off, making the red head stumble a bit before catching himself. With a laugh he came back over.

"You know they're cool. I bet you wish you had a pair." The disgusted look on his face only grew.

"I would rather re-slit my wrists then own a pair of those." His voice was blunt, harsher then it should have been. His friend stared at him shocked, motionless. "What. I was kidding. Obviously. But I swear don't get me a pair I'll throw them out." He attempted to fix the situation, there was an eerie silence that filled the room, a silence he desperately wanted to shoo away. He got up off the bed and walked over to the red head.

"Bakugou don't joke about shit like that. It's not funny." He sounded hurt. Shit I fucked up.

"I'm sorry Kirishima, I didn't mean to hurt you with that. It was a joke, obviously it was too soo-" He was cut off.

"No. Thats not something you joke about ever. There isn't going to be a time where that is okay to joke about. When I found you, on the bathroom floor, like that. You looked so empty, so blank. I felt sick to my stomach with guilt, guilt that I had let that happen, that and the disturbing shit your cunty parents put your through. I will not ever let you go through something like that again, I will make dam sure you never feel the need to do that again." The blonde was shocked, shocked at the compassion he had in his voice as he spoke, he was getting pissed off but he also had a hurt look plastered on his face, a look of guilt as well.

"Kirishima you shouldn't blame yourself for what happened. You were literally dealing with the cops while they did that shit to me. I'm sure if you knew what was happening you would have done everything in your power to stop them. You are the literal only reason I am alive. My parents had no clue I was out of my room and you somehow knew something was wrong from a minute long phone call." He wrapped his arms around the other, pulling him into a hug. He noticed he was trembling again. Was he really that angry about the joke? He pulled back to see a furious look on the others face

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