daenerys - emilia clarke

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My wife, Emilia, is currently at the table read for the final episode of Game of Thrones. This morning she told me how nervous she was to find out what will happen, but I assured her that everything will be fine.

While she is at the table read, I'm working. I work at a bookstore here in London. It's a small one, right around a corner. That's how Emilia and I met. She was in the bookstore looking for a specific book and I was there to help her. She is one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. When I helped her find her book, we chatted a little. Before she had to go, we exchanged numbers.

We started out as a simple friendship. At that time I didn't know she was an actress, even though I read the A Song of Ice and Fire series and I knew they were gonna make a show about the books, but one thing I didn't know was that Emilia got casted as Daenerys.

A couple of months later, I found the courage to ask her out on a date and she said yes. I was so excited. Our first date went really well.

After our first date, we went on many more and on our fourth date I asked her to be my girlfriend, she said yes.

Three months later, she told me that she got casted for Game of Thrones as Daenerys, I was so happy for her and excited. She always wanted to become an actress.

When the show gained recognition and became really popular, Emilia and I couldn't go out in the public without anyone recognizing Emilia, which made things harder. Nevertheless, we managed going out undercover and no one recognized Emilia.

During the filming of season 5, we talked about me meeting the cast and without hesitation I said yes, so Emilia dragged me to the set of Game of Thrones and introduced me to the cast. They were so nice and welcoming. Maisie and Sophie are my favorite cast member and my favorite duo.

When Emilia finished season 5 of Game of Thrones, I wanted to take her on a vacation and ask her the big question. On our vacation, I set up something really romantic and asked her the question. Emilia said yes! And a year later we got married, on the guest list were my friends and family as well as the whole Game of Thrones cast.

A year after we got married, we revealed to the public about our relationship and marriage. People were surprised, but nevertheless supported us. Sure there were some hate, but mostly positive feedback. Ever since then, we have been going out to the public more, holding hands and stealing kisses from one another.

Now we are here. Emilia has been in various films and shows, won some awards and I'm still working at the same bookstore we met.

Currently I'm finishing my shift. I pack everything up and say goodbye to my co-workers. I want to get home before Emilia, so that I can cook us some dinner.

When I arrived at our apartment, I opened the door and threw my keys on the little bowl next to the entrance. I changed my work outfit to a comfy outfit, which consists of sweatpants and a shirt.

After I finished putting on my shirt, I make my way to the kitchen. I thought about making pizza for us. So I take all the ingredients I need to make the dish.


While I'm putting the toppings on the pizza, I hear the door open and close.

Emilia got home.

I hear her tossing her keys in the bowl. Her footsteps slowly disappear into our bedroom.


She usually greets me with a kiss, but I didn't receive one. What the hell?

I quickly put the pizza into the oven, before I make my way to our bedroom. When I reach the door, which was open, I can hear quiet sniffs.

I slowly peek and see Emilia changing her clothes to comfy ones. I put my hand on the door as I slightly lean into it.

I decided to break the silence.

"Emilia?" I ask carefully.

When I didn't get a response, I slowly approach my wife. I take her hand carefully into my own.

I turn her around slowly, so that I can see her face.

Her nose is a little red from the crying and she has tears in her eyes.

"Darling, what happened?" I ask the brown haired woman who holds my heart since the day I have met her.

Emilia looks up at me with tears, which I wipe away with my non occupied hand.

"Come, sit down with me on the bed." I lead the actress to the bed and sit her down, then I also take a seat and take her hand in mine.

"Tell me happened? Did someone touch you? Did someone said something while you went home? I swear Emilia, If someone did something I will fuckin-"

"They killed her off." Emilia mumbles as she looks down.

"They killed who off?" I ask.

"They decided to kill Daenerys." Emilia reveals.

"What? Why the hell would they do that?" I get angry. Daenerys means so much to Emilia, why would they do that?

"I don't fucking know. They said when Daenerys is finally close the Iron Throne, Jon Snow will come and stab her in her heart." She explains as she sniffs.

"That makes no sense. What does Kit say to that?" I ask the actress as I caress her hand.

"He says that he doesn't like it either." She says quietly.

I lift her head up so she can look at me. I put my hands on her cheeks and kiss her forehead.

"Hey. Just remember, George R. R. Martin didn't finish the rest of the books yet, so maybe Daenerys will claim the throne in the books, you never know. And they should fuck off, Daenerys is the most power on the show." I say as Emilia laughs slightly.

"And I know how much she means to you. I'm 100% sure that the audience will hate the final, because they all love Dany. For a fact, I'm a Dany apologist and she did no wrong in my eyes." Emilia laughs even more.

"Thank you for comforting me." The actress says as she leans in to hug me.

"For you I would do anything." I whisper as I kiss her temple.

As we hug, I smell something, like burn.

Oh fuck the pizza!

"Fuck!! I forgot about the pizza." I quickly pull away from Emilia and run to the kitchen.

All I can hear is Emilias laugh.


A/N: Fuck you D&D for killing off the best GOT character😒 Lets hope and pray George R. R. Martin will give Dany a better ending, bc she deserves better!!

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