now everyone knows - olivia cooke

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5 years ago I met the woman of my dreams, Olivia Cooke. I met her at a little bar in London. When I first saw her, I fell in love with her, especially her eyes.

We talked the whole night and drank. When the night came to an end, we exchanged numbers. Ever since then, we have been texting each other and calling each other.

Fast forward, it has been 5 years since we started dating. She has finished filming House of The Dragon and I have never been more proud of her, she has come so far.

As for our relationship, we are not public yet. The fear of hate is high, but I don't care, I love her and that's what matters. Maybe one day we will reveal our relationship. I'm not famous or anything, I'm just known for being Olivia's friend. If they only knew...

The sound of the door opening, brings me out of my thoughts. I look up from the TV to my girlfriend, who walks up to me and sits down next to me.

"Hey Y/N." She says as she hugs me tightly.

"Hey Liv." I say as I bury my face in the crook of her neck.

"You okay?" I ask as I gently kiss her neck.

"Yeah just really exhausted from work." She mumbles.

I pull away from her and kiss her forehead.

"Go sleep, you do look a little exhausted." I tease her. She slaps me on my arm.

"Just shut up." She mumbles as she completely lays on me with her head on my chest.

"Alright, go sleep." I whisper and kiss her forehead again.

I take my controller and hold it above Olivia, resting it on her back. I continue playing my video game.

"I wanted to ask you something." Olivia says quietly and she opens her eyes to look at me.

"Yeah?" I ask as I defeat the enemy.

"Do you want to accompany me to the premiere of House of the Dragon." Liv answers my question as she rests her chin on my sternum.

I pause my game and put my attention on my girlfriend.

"Yeah why not? I mean, we have been dating for 5 years now and never went public. Why not now?" I shrug my shoulders with a smile.

"Really? Okay." Olivia says as she pecks my lips.


It's now 10pm and we are getting ready to go to bed. I already finished my routine, laying on our shared bed and continue reading my book. Olivia was still in the bathroom finishing up.

I finish reading the chapter. I put my bookmark in my book and close it, putting it on my nightstand. The door of our bathroom opens and Olivia comes out.

She walks over to our closet and selects her sleepwear. Olivia changes into the sleepwear and puts the dirty clothes into the basket. She walks out the closet and jumps on the bed, well...on me.

"Ow fuck." I growl and hold my belly. Olivia laughs in response.

"Hey! That's not funny. It hurt!" I claim and watch as she continues to laugh.

"I'm sorry, baby." She stops laughing and pouts.

"Yeah yeah. I forgive you if you give me a kiss." I smile slightly.

Olivia leans forward and pecks my lips.

"There. Now you have the kiss" she says and lays her head on my chest.

"Since the premiere is next week, I was thinking. What should I wear?" I ask the actress as I caress her back.

"Whatever you want. It has to match with mine. I wear black." She responds.

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