you might be... - elizabeth olsen

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Lately, Lizzie has not been feeling good

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Lately, Lizzie has not been feeling good. She has been complaining about nausea. Every morning I find her in the bathroom by the toilet throwing up everything. Ever since then, I have been taking care of her as much as I can.

I don't easily get worried, but this has me and I don't know what to do.

This morning is the same as always, I hear grunts coming from the bathroom. So, I quickly stand up and walk towards the bathroom to find Lizzie by the toilet throwing up.

I help her and take her to the bed. I get a glass of water and hand it to her.

"I think it's time to go to the doctor, darling." I tell my wife as I put my hands on my hips.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." I waves me off, taking a sip of the water.

I shake my head and take my phone to make a call. Luckily, my sister is a nurse and maybe she knows what's up with Lizzie.

After a few rings, my sister picks up.

"Hey Y/N." She greets me as I sit on the couch.

"Hey. Lizzie has been feeling really sick and every morning she is by the toilet throwing up. She also has weird food cravings." I tell my sister about the current situation.

"When was the last time she had her period." She asks. I think about it as I run my hand through my hair.

"Uh, I don't know. She never tells me when she has it." I tell her as there was a short silence.

"Lizzie might be pregnant." She reveals as I freeze.


"Oh. Okay I uh, will talk with her. Thank you for helping us." I thank my sister and hang up.

I walk towards our bedroom and open the door to see Lizzie reading a book. I take a seat sideways by her side and put my hand on the leg.

"Darling, I talked with my sister and she said that- uh, you might be pregnant." I tell my wife as she slowly puts the book on her thighs and looks up at me.

"Oh." She mumbles and I nod.

"I will call your gynecologist and make an appointment." I say as I rub her leg.

"What If I am?" She ask hesitantly.

"Well, we will go through it, together. It's also your choice to decide. It's your body." I say softly as I continue to rub her leg up and down.

"If I'm pregnant, I want to keep the baby." She says as she has a small smile on her face.

I nod my head and kiss her forehead.Then I get up to make an appointment at her gynecologist.


two days later

Today is the day of the appointment. I'm really nervous. We did talk about having children months ago and we said what ever happens, happens.

I drive us to the appointment and park my car at the entrance of the gynecologist. I get out and open Lizzies door. She thanks me with a kiss to my cheek.

We enter the building and walk towards the secretary.

"Hello. We have an appointment for Elizabeth Olsen-Y/L." I greet the blonde woman at the desk and she types something on her computer.

"Yes. Take a seat, it won't take long." I nod and Lizzie and I take a seat in the waiting area.

I hold her hand and give it a squeeze. That's our way of saying 'everything will be fine'.

Not even 10 minutes have passed and they call Lizzies name. We get up and enter the gynecologist office. We greet the doctor as she wants us to take a seat.

"So, you are here to find out if you are expecting a baby?" She asks as she starts typing on the computer with a wide smile.

"Yeah." Lizzie says as she holds my hand.

"Before we start, I will ask some questions, if that's okay." We nod our heads.

"Are you sexual active?" She asks Lizzie as she is typing on the computer.

"Yes." Lizzie answers as the gynecologist nods her head.

"Hm, how often?" Lizzie looks at me and then looks back at her doctor.

"Once a week." My wife answers as I squeeze her hand.

"Have you been pregnant before?" The brunette doctor asks.

"No, it might be my first time." Lizzie smiles at the thought, which makes me kiss her hand.

"Do you use protection when it comes to sex?" The gynecologist asks as she continues to type on her computer.

"Not always." Lizzie answers to the question as the doctor nods her head.

"Okay and your partner is intersex?" I nod my head the question as she finishes typing on the computer.

"Alright, let's find out if you guys will be first time parents." She claps her hands with a smile and guides Lizzie to a smaller room where the ultrasound is.

The gynecologist uses the ultrasound to see if there might be a baby growing in Lizzie tummy.

"Well, it looks like there is a baby! Congratulations." She says excitedly as she looks at us with a smile.

I take Lizzies hand and give it kisses. Lizzie looks at me with so much love and affection.

"Should I print out the sonograms?" She asks us and we nod our head.

She prints out the sonograms and hands it to us. She also gives Lizzie a towel to wipe the gel off Lizzies tummy.

The gynecologist leaves the small room to give us some time.

"We are gonna be parents." I say excitedly as I kiss Lizzies forehead.

"Yes. I can't believe it. I'm so happy, love." She has tears in her eyes as she hold my hand tightly.

I lean down to kiss her lips.

"I love you." I whisper against her lips.

"I love you too." She whispers back as she kisses me again.


a/n: thank you for the request! working on the other now! :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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