movie star - margot robbie

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Imagine being in a relationship with the woman everyone wants to date. I date Margot Robbie.

Margot and I have known each other for 3 years. First we were friends and then I started to catch feelings for the actress.

After a year of being friends, I asked her on a date and she agreed. Ever since then we have been dating and it's incredible. She is everything I have ever wanted. She is so perfect.

Margot is currently filming her new movie 'Barbie'  and I thought, why not surprise her with a visit.

So I got my car keys and started my way towards the store first to get her favorite chocolate.

I got out the car and went in to find her favorite chocolate. While I was walking towards the candy aisle, I got spotted by a fan. After we took a picture together, I found the chocolate and I went to the register to pay for the candy.

After I paid, I made my way towards my car and got in. I started the car and drove towards a flower shop.

I entered the flower shop and found Margots favorite flowers.

Then I paid for it and drove towards the set of 'Barbie'.

At the gate, the security guard asked for my ID and why I want to enter the set.

I gave him my ID and told him about my plan to surprise Margot.

The security guard smiled and let me through.

I parked my car at the parking lot and got out with the flowers and chocolate in my hand.

The people working here recognize me. I ask them where Margot is and they told me that she is currently filming a scene. One was even so nice that they lead me towards the set where Margot is filming.

Now I'm standing behind the camera watching as Margot shows her incredible acting skills.

Damn, I'm lucky.

"Cut!" The director yells and everyone scrambles everywhere.

I slowly sneak behind Margot and put my free arm around her waist lean against her.

She gets startled and gets out of my hold. Margot turns around to look up at me.

Her scared expression turns to a surprise expression. She launches herself at me and hugs me tightly.

"I could have hurt you. Idiot!" She pulls aways and slightly smacks my arm.

"Sorry?" I say as I hold up the flowers and chocolate. She looks down at the gifts and smiles.

"Omg, thank you so much." She takes the gifts and leans in to kiss my lips.

"Anything for you." I tell her as I kiss her back.

Suddenly we realize that we are not the only people in the room, so we pull away from the kiss. We look around and see that some people are looking at us, but not in a creepy way, in a 'awww' way.

My movie star.


A/N: thank you for the request! working on the others :)

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