secret (part 2) - daenerys targaryen

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your chambers

I was currently getting my armor on with the help of my squire Sam.

There was a mirror in front of me showing my body and how Sam is helping me.

Sam was about to put the last piece of armor on my body, when there was a knock on the door.

Sam goes to open the door and it reveals Daenerys.

Sam immediately bows.

"Your grace." He says as he looks at her.

He turns to me and says,"The queen, Ser."

"Leave, please. Thank you for the help, Sam." I smile at the squire and he bows and then leaves my chambers.

"Dany...What is it?" I ask the mother of dragons as she approaches me. She takes my hands in hers.

"I want to say goodbye..." She whispers as she looks down at her feet.

I lift her hands and kiss them.

"Look at me." I tell the woman with white hair. She lifts her head and looks at me with those eyes that I love.

"This is not a 'goodbye'...just a 'see you later'." I give Daenerys a small smile.

"I will be waiting for you." She tells me and leans in to peck my lips, but I turn it into a full kiss.

I pull away from her lips and move my lips to her forehead.

"Daenerys..." I whisper.

"Yes...?" She asks as she leans more into me.

"I-...I love you." I finally tell her the three words that have been on my mind since days. But now I finally had the courage to say it.

"Y/-" She was about to response, but the door of my chambers burst open and we quickly pull away from one another.

The person who interrupted our moment was Ser Barristan.

"Ser Y/N." He says as he was about to continue he saw Daenerys standing in front of me.

"Your grace." He then bows, showing his respect to Daenerys.

"What is it, Ser?" I ask the old knight as I slowly let go of Daenerys and approach him.

"It's time." He says.

I sigh and look down. Then I turn to look at Daenerys. She has a worried face.

I walk past Daenerys and get my sword, made out of Valyrian Steel.

Then I make my way towards the door to Ser Barristan.

Before I take my leave, I take one last look at Daenerys and give her a small smile.


on the way to the camp

"Y/N?" Ser Barristan gets my attention as we are riding our horses towards our camp.

"Yes?" I ask the old knight as I turn to look at him as he is riding next to me.

"Is there something going on with you and the Queen?" He ask in a quiet tone and my eyes widen.

"What?" I ask Barristan and he just chuckles slightly.

"Well...I noticed the way you look at each other in do I say this... loving way." He explains as I still look at him.

"Eh...well... nothing is going on, Ser. You know a knight can't love a queen." I try to talk my way out.

"You can't shit with me, girl. You love her and I can see it in your eyes." He says.

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