sleepy - olivia rodrigo

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Olivia and I are currently on the way to her concert in New York. We have been a couple for 3 years now and it's going great. She is everything I wished in a partner.

"Are you excited? It's the last concert of your tour." I asked my girlfriend as the driver drives us towards the venue.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be sad since it's the last." Olivia answered with a pout. I chuckle and lean forward to kiss her pout away.

After 5 minutes we arrive at the venue. Olivia's security guard opens the door. We get out of the car, hand in hand, and walk towards the entrance of the venue. While we are walking, we hear her fans scream her name. Olivia waves towards them with a big smile on her face.

We enter the venue and head towards the backstage to Olivia's dressing room. I let go of her hand and sit down on the couch she has in the room. Olivia goes to the clothes stand where her outfit for the concert is hanging.

Olivia takes the outfit from the hanger and turns around to show me.

"What do you think?" She ask as she looks down.

"It looks amazing. You will look incredible in it." I tell the singer and she smiles widely.

Then we hear a knock on the door and it opens revealing Olivia's manager.

"Hey. The make up artist is waiting for you." She says as she peaks through the door.

So we make our way towards the make up room where the make up artist is waiting for Olivia.


time skip

Olivia is finally ready. She has makeup and her outfit on, so now we are on the way towards the stage.

Before Olivia enters the stage she turn towards me and leans up to kiss my lips. I, of course, kiss back.

"Good luck, baby." I tell her after I slightly pull away.

"Thank you." She whispers and pecks my lips again.

She turns towards the stage and waits for her signal.

Olivia got the signal and she runs towards the stage. Her fans scream her name.

The first song starts and the crowd goes insane.


after the concert

During the concert I got slightly sleepy, even though it was very loud.

Olivia finished her concert and wished a good night to her fans. She comes backstage answering sees me. She runs towards me and hugs me.

"You did incredible!" I tell her and she pulls away from the hug ans kisses me.

"Thank you!" She says ans takes my hand. We walk towards her dressing room.

After she puts on some joggers and a shirt. We walk towards the car and the driver.

The driver greets us and opens the door for us. We got in and the driver towards our home started.

We got home and Olivia decides to shower. While she showers I lay in our bed and turn the TV on.

While I search something to watch, the door of the bathroom opens and it reveals Olivia. The freshly showered singer walks to our shared bed and gets under the covers cuddling me.

I finally found something to watch.

After about 30 minutes I hear slightly snores coming from Olivia, which makes me chuckle quietly.

Then I fell asleep too, since I was very tired.


A/N: I'm trying to write as many request as I can :)

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