Chapter 8

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Tash's POV

I was looking out of the window, breathing nothing but in anger. I feel like my skin crawling whenever i feel his gaze grining at me. He was smirking in victory.

That damn smirk!!How much i whished to wiped it off.
I scoffed keep watching out while trying to guess where this pervert dragging me in a hoodie and a sweatpant. I thought he will threw his idea of taking me out seeing me in boring clothes but no he is way ahead of me.

Calm down Tash,, you shouldn't be so worked up, your goal is to make him annoy so that he would get board with you right?? My inner voice sweet talk to me trying to calm me down. Yes... i shouldn't let the anger get the best of me. I should be more clever, that's how i can fight with this cunning bastard. I deep breathing and fixed my face.

"Where are you taking me??" I mumbled fixing my tone as he turned to my frowning his eyes, like he was already doubting the changes in my voice.
He chuckled not before shifting his gaze to the road.
"We are going on a date" he said taking a swift turn changing the lanes.

"Date??" I gasped quickly holding on to the seat belt and snapping my eyes at him in anger. Can't he drive more slow??and a date?? I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath again. This man really testing my patients.

"Yes baby, we are going on a date" he sweety said with a winked making my blood boiled. I closed my mouth which was hung open till now and huffed in anger looking out. Whatever!! I thought but suddenly smile crept to my lips. I know what i have to do. If he is going to take me to a date like this, i know what i should do. A one should act according to the dress. I secretly smirked watching out of the glass window happy with my plan. I'm going to eat like a pig and make him embarrassed Infront of everyone. God how much clever i am, i mentally patted my back in proud.

The little happy dance in my head broken when he pulled the car to a parking lot of a department store. My eyes wide in confusion. Why he stopped here? I thought seeing him stopping the engine and exited the car to came around. He opened the side of my door and waited for me to get down.

"Why did you bring me here??" I asked in my little shocked voice making him smirk, probably at my edgy voice.

"You will know!" He smirked gestured me to get down but being stubborn i held my self on to the seat belt not moving inch.

"I'm not going to step out until you tell me why you brought me here" i said in my stubborn voice to piss him. Inner smirk as he rolled his eyes in annaynce.

He deeply breath before leaning to my face, taking me off guard. How much i act brave, i easily get nervous with his closeness. His predatory gaze started to wondered over my face making me held my breath. He rised his hand and tucked a messy strand of hair behind my ear. My muscles tensed as the mere touch of his fingers on my ear lobe sent chill down my spine. I stayed still holding onto the seat belt, with him looking at my face with a grin. His eyes traveled between my orbs and going down towards my lips.
He licked his dry lips looking at mine, eventually making me hide my lips inside my mouth. His smirked winded seeing my deafted reaction.

"You think you can annoy me?"He rasped slowly leaning to my face, with his hot breath fanning on my lips.
"No baby, your stubborn excites me, it's make me want to do more bad things to you, you know this car is spacious enough!!" he said making my breath hitched. His thumb released my lips i was hiding between my teeth and his eyes were reflecting his next move but before he leaned more i pushed him away and unbuckled the seat belt quickly and jumped out from his car. My hands were already crossed over my chest glaring as he smirked looking at my flushed face.

"Shall we go inside??" He said smiling as i was still glaring at him. I was stunned with his previous proximity and remained closing my mouth as i felt nervous if the thought triggering him right now.


A small chapter, but hope you would like this♥️ read previous one if you don't remember the previous part.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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