Yukinaru -Surprise- 65

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I wake up in a dark room, I hear the faint sounds of my jester breathing in the corner. The vibrations of Haiji purring roll along my side, my back resting into him. I stretch out, feeling the pops in my joints as the stiffness leaves. I must have been asleep for days with how many cracks I hear.
I roll myself up to sit and see Hisoka's hand extend out from the shadows infront me nearly instantly.
"You know dear sometimes you get yourself in more trouble then even I can find trying ♤~." He chuckles softly with a smirk dancing upon his lips.
"How long was I asleep for?" I yawn taking his hand.
"I'd say about 3 days now. Chrollo got too greedy this time it seems♤~." He reaches oit and trails a hand down my neck, "Such remnants are left behind." He scopes me up into his arms with no hesitation as he speaks.
"You haven't carried me like this in a long time." I giggle with smiles and get comfortable as he walks to a sliding glass door.
"You haven't needed me too," he shrugs idlely and brings me out onto the balcony, "but I suppose we all have our moments."
I look up in awe, the skies are crystal clear and I can see more stars then ever before. The night sky is littered with faint trails of the beyond, memorizing doesn't seem like a strong enough word.
"I figured you'd find this more enjoyable." He chuckles deeply as he sets my on the railing.
I smile warmly and let my wings stretch out into the cooling breeze. I lean backwards and look up into the endless sea of stars.
"Where are we?"
"I am not entirely sure to be honest. Haiji found you and then came to fetch me ♤~." I can feel his longing questions.
"Don't look at me, I have no idea how I got here either. The last thing I remember was talking with Chrollo after satisfying myself." I giggle as Jester's bloodlust spikes.
"How crass as always ◇.~" He steps back and leans against the side wall next to me.
"Have you spoken with Chrollo at all?" I question still intently looking upward, "He was a dick towards the end there..."
"There you are Naru, you finally have woken." His voice cuts the air sharply, coming from inside.
"Oh speak of the devil," I roll my eyes and look at Chrollo walking out of the darkness next to me, "Goody, you can travel the shadows again too. Where are we then, since you're here anyway." I motion him to appoarch closer.
"I don't know. As you collapsed you fell through a shadow. I tried to follow then but I wasn't able too." He questions curiously and looks to Hisoka.
"Of course neither of you could have traveled to our Master." Haiji pushes past Chrollo and steps beside my dangling legs, "Master went back to her sanctuary before coming here and only the Magician belongs, you don't Spider."
"Did I really?" I question Haiji looking down, "It has been countless years since I even thought of that place in the home land."
"Indeed Master, I learned of it through your memories." He purrs with pride and lays down between Hisoka and myself.
"Then how did I-" I freeze mid sentence, my memories finally catching up to me and I can sense him rapidly closing in.
As though right on cue I hear his gruff voice behind me, "Well little doll that's because I brought you here."
I feel Chrollo immediately tense, his heart beat picking up pace. Hisoka though seems to be completely unphased by my uncle showing up.
"My it has been along time hasn't it uncle!" I squeal and fall backwards, turning mid fall and fly up to his waiting hug.
"You seem to be digging deeper into a mess with this lot." My uncle sets me down after landing on the balcony.
Then makes his way over to a backing up Chrollo, "You." Waving a large finger at Chrollo, "You ave no idea the choas ya spreadin nor do ya seem to care for the ripple effects your little escapades are causin."
"There are reasons.." Chrollo begins to speak as he continues to slowly retreat further into the darken room but uncle Renji isn't having it.
"Don't give me that bullshit ya dumb pup. Ya standin there acting like we are the beast but ter no better." Uncle reaches out and smacks Chrollo, sending him through the side wall of the bedroom.
He lands hard out in the yard with a deafening thud. Hisoka bursts out laughing and I am still completely lost looking bewteen Chrollo and Uncle Renji.
"Alright will someone please fill me in." I take a seat back on the railing in front of Hisoka.
"That young pup has been running a wild muck across the home land chasing myths and stirring up the locals." Renji walks further inside and looks out the hole, "Ya better get goin an clean up after yourself or next visit won't be from me." I shiver knowing the threat that those words still carry.
Uncle turns towards me after seeing Chrollo slink off into the shadows, "Listen now you, ya can't just be showin up in der territory like that. Had anyone but myself sensed you, it be hell for us both."
"I didn't-" I begin to defend myself when Hisoka yanks my shoulder back hastily. I didn't even see Renji's hand till after, "You were gonna slap me too?!" I looked at my uncle with sheer annoyance.
"Ya need some sense slapped into ya clearly. You should always have control doll. No excuses from you." Renji crosses his arms and gives me the look.
"Well... I mean... It's.." I stumble over my words, lost at how to respond cause he is completely right.
"She will train harder ♤~" Hisoka steps between Renji and myself.
"Jester it's fine," I step to the side of him to face my uncle. "Uncle I will train and rest assured I will come for your brother one day." I tried to hold back my blood lust but it was futile, "He will pay for everything."
"You say that doll, but when Chrollo's little tricks fade.." Renji brings a hand to his forehead, "Regardless of that for now, Chrollo is a creature beyond understanding even for us. I warn ya again Yukinaru, best mind yourself around him."
"I understand mostly i guess.. what tricks id he pulling?" I question curiously.
"Never you mind that. Ya get enough to worry about as it is." He looks at Hisoka, "You have been a piss poor predator an even worse pet."
"So you say♤~." Hisoka's tone is hollow but his eyes are radiating anger.
"Hello yes I'm not done talking." I wave my hand between them getting Renji's attention, "I have my own agenda with Chrollo Uncle-"
"Oh do tell what ya planning then." My uncle chuckles softly and looks at me knowingly.
"I'm not gonna tell you." I stick my tongue out and hastily try to change the subject, "Everyone I have known has lied, used me and over all underestimated me. I'm not blind nor ignorant to the ploys of others." I smile lightly and make my way inside.
"Well ya definitely have grown since we last met but ya just a pup still. It's nice to see ya more yourself again though." He chuckles awkwardly, "Well I must be gettin back. Take care my child." Renji waves as he takes to the skies.
"Is it too much to ask for one simple night? I always seem to be waking up to some new headache." I groan as I look back up to the stars.
"There is nothing simple about you ♡~." Hisoka chuckles as he pulls his random deck of cards out from nowhere.
"Well it be nice for once. Have you heard anything from Illumi or the boys?" I question, listening to the sound of the wind.
"Hmm no that I recall recently. But the boys I heard were still on Jappon Island." His tone is laced with boredom as he speaks.
"I suppose after resting here for a bit longer I should go back to the Manor. What are you gonna do next?" I slide to the balcony's floor and rest myself against the railing.
"You need not trouble yourself over me. I have things I must see to as well." He chuckles darkly, "My world doesn't revolve around you flower ♡~."
"Whatever you say Jester.." I roll my eyes as I stand, Haiji following me into the room.
"You can sleep elsewhere." I laugh teasingly and lay out in the bed, wrapping my wings around me.
"*Haiji, send Hisoka on his way.*"
"*Understood Master. Leave it to me.*"
I hear his joy at being able to send the jester away. They have such a strange rivalry, such silly jealousy between them.
"You sent him to the Bayloke Hotel right? If your thoughts are right Ilumi should be there waiting for him." I unfurl myself and lay spread out on the bed.
"I know they are. Master these people are lying to you." Haiji sits up and puts his two front paws on the bed.
"I know they are liars but they lie with half truths. It's hard to distinguish with them." I sigh and pull aura to my finger tips, forming alittle blue ball.
"Haiji do you know what my uncle ment when he was talking to Chrollo?" I roll the ball around my hands and watch as Haiji's eyes track its movement.
"No. Master, I have not been tailing Chrollo. Forgive me." His tone carrier remorse and it bothers me.
"Fret not kitty, you have been most reliable regardless. I know you can only do so much. Continue to keep tabs on Umii and the jester." I toss the ball of aura to Haiji and watch as he chases it around the floor.
"I suppose I should ready for my assassination. Finish eating and let us depart to the Manor." I sigh standing up and stretching. "So much for meditation tonight." I roll my eyes and walk onto the balcony.
"This really is a lovely place. Haiji make note of our location. I'd very much like to return here." I giggle as he stalks out to join me.
"It is very lovely Master." He purrs and rubs his head on my thigh, "Shall we be on our way?"
"Indeed. Tonight I lure a rabbit." I wave my hand and into the shadows we fall. Mere seconds and already am I standing in my bedroom at the Zoldyck Manor.
"Go wait for me in Hisoka's shadow. I'll be along shortly." I flick Haiji away and plop on my bed, letting out a huge sigh.
My moment to myself doesn't last long as the sounds of a faint knock catch my ears.
"Come in" I call out and quickly sit up.
"Hello granddaughter, could I trouble you for a moment?" Zeno walks in with a simple smile.
"Of course. It has been awhile hasn't it." I giggle as he sits in the chair opposite of my bed.
"Indeed. Much has happened in only a short while. Tell me have you recovered well?" He strokes a hand down his beard as he continues, "I hear that fellow Chrollo has been quite rude towards you."
"Nothing to worry about Lord Zeno-"
"Just call me Grandfather, that makes me happy." He motions me to continue.
"Well grandfather there isn't much to worry about. His rudeness is not a surprise anymore. But enough about me-"
"Your job is this evening yes? I know a bit about the man you are after. He lets his guard down around ladies of the night. Use that to your advantage." Zeno looks up at me with a smirk.
"Hard to answer anything if you keep cutting me-"
"Well I must be going now. It was good to see you." He stands and walks out the door without another word.
"Well that went well, good catching up with you too old man." I roll my eyes and grab the file from my dresser.
Reading through the intel the best place to encounter him will be in the red light district. I really hate that place, I always tried to avoid it. The drunks will pick pointless fights they always lose.
The women use sweet words and mystic smells to lure weak minded men in just rob them in a side alley. Yet for some reason most degenerates and criminals love that place.
Flipping through a few more pages I get the over all plan together. I want to enjoy myself as well so just ghosting in and killing him be too easy. According to this the best way into the district is through the Weeping Tavern.
Pretty sure my Jester could get me through there easy enough. I look at myself in the mirror realizing I am in desperate need of a wash. Grabbing my outfit I walk to the bathroom and ready a bath.

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