Getting to Know Daikon

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*backstage, after the show*

Daikon: So is that what I'm doing for now on?

We see Daikon and Paul having a conversation as they talk about his role as General Manager.

Paul: Yep. Be the center of authority, calm things down, and make decisions. And so far, you've done a good job.

Daikon: Thank you, Paul. When you called me, I was hesitant on doing it as I am use to being backstage, working on rivalries and wrestlers, and doing it in front of everybody is a big step. But, I think I can handle it now.

Paul: That's good to hear. Anyway, we'll be Mexico City next week, so be prepared.

Daikon: Oooh, Mexico. I went there during my tour.

Paul: The Deity World Tour, no doubt.

Daikon: Yep. I even speak Spanish, so I don't need help in translation.

Paul: Really? Let here you speak Spanish.

Daikon: Me llamo Daikon Negro, y soy el Dios De La Justicia. Y vengo a hacer tu vida una Pesadilla Viva.

Paul: Damn...I think I got goosebumps.

They chuckled.

Paul: Anyway, have a good night, man. Take care.

Daikon: You too.

Soon, they walked off as Daikon carries his stuff out.

*2 days later*

Daikon is seen working out a the gym as he does some weight lifting and stretches. He would head to the Bench Presses as he sees several are taken so he waits. Soon, one of them got up as they clean the bed from their sweat. Daikon approaches it before noticing it was a woman who was Bench Pressing. And not just any woman.

It was Elizabeth Kocianski, akam Beth Phoenix

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It was Elizabeth Kocianski, akam Beth Phoenix.

Beth: Oh, I didn't expect you here. You're Daikon Black, right?

Daikon: Yes. My real surname is Katayama. And you are Beth Phoenix, right?

Elizabeth: Yes. My real name is Elizabeth Kocianski.

Daikon: I see where the Beth comes from.

Elizabeth: Yeah. I get that a lot.

Daikon: It happens. I can see why you have the strength you use in your matches.

Elizabeth: Thank you. And I see you've been working out a lot.

Daikon: Yes. Not as much as I did before, since I know join in Yoga and other non-weight exercises. Though, I do weight lifting just to keep my shape.

Elizabeth: Understandable. Anyway, see you around.

Daikon: You, too, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: You can call me Beth if you like. I preferred that.

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