Dark One Vs Great One

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*before the show*

Daikon is seen coming out of his car as he makes his way to the office. Soon, he enters the office as Paul, Stephanie, and Vince are seen waiting for him inside. Daikon shakes their hands as he sat down.

Daikon: So...was it accepted?

Paul: Yes. It has been accepted.

Stephanie: Unfortunately, my father was not in to the idea, but we all voted in favor for you.

Vince: And I still can't believe it.

Paul: You should've expected it, Vince.

Daikon: *smug* Indeed. So, as Head of Creative, I get to decide on how the show goes and the characters the Wrestlers and their rivalries?

Paul: Yes. Frankly, with last week's show, with Yoshi Tatsu, Mason Ryan vs Ezekiel Jackson, and the return of the Women's Division and Championship, pretty much made it clear your application as Head of Creative is to be accepted.

Daikon: I see.

Vince: So, what do you have in mind now that you're Head?


The three look at the list in shock as Daikon reads through it

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The three look at the list in shock as Daikon reads through it.

Daikon: Turn the show back to TV-14, released unneeded wrestlers or repackaged them, change current WWE Title, reboot NXT, anti-bullying-allowing me to beat them into submission-campaign, have two to three Women's Matches per night on each show, cut down on Celebrity Guest Hosts, unless they fit the angle or segment, or are willing to do wrestling matches, cut back on constant John Cena moments, scrap some terrible storylines, cut back on traveling schedule from one city per week to two or three weeks-

Daikon continues to speak what he has on his list as Paul, Steph, and Vince, just stood there in awe and tired.

Daikon: Bring back territorial Wrestling punishment towards misbehaving members of the audience, cut unreasonable fees relating to new and veteran wrestlers, lower down the punishment of bleeding, and...that's it.

The three sighed with relief that is over.

Stephanie: We'll think about what you said...and considering your options.

Daikon: Good. I don't expect most of them will be placed, as this isn't a perfect world. But I expect them to be considered when looking into the superstars, their careers, and their mental well being and health.

Vince: You literally have that all planned out.

Daikon: Well, duh. I've just applied to this job. You don't think I already have a creative mind, without bloodshed and murder?

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