t h r e e | a heavy howl for her soul

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As Sage watched the honoring ceremony from afar, allowing the gentle breeze to dry her fallen tears, she sensed a presence behind her. Her heart fluttered with anticipation, recognizing James, Jr.'s familiar energy. She turned to greet him, hoping for a warm exchange, but was met with silence. His brooding gaze met hers briefly before he turned away, seemingly disinterested.

Sage felt a hint of embarrassment, unsure of how to interpret James' behavior. She knew he had noticed her recent rejection and their history of strange tension. It was a puzzle she couldn't quite solve, but she brushed off the uneasy feeling, reminding herself to focus on the celebration at hand. It was a party, a time for joy, and there was no need to dwell on uncertainties or let it dampen her spirits.

Tentatively, she greeted him with a smile, her voice carrying warmth. "Hey, James. It's been a while. How have you been?"

James shrugged, his gaze fixed on the partygoers. "Same old, same old. Just trying to survive freshman year of college, you know?"

Sage nodded, her smile persisting. "Yeah, I understand. It can be challenging, but it's important to take breaks and enjoy moments like these, don't you think?"

He sighed, a subtle softening in his demeanor. "I suppose so. Sometimes it's hard to let loose and have fun when there's so much going on."

Sage's curiosity heightened, sensing there was more beneath the surface. "James, are you okay? You don't have to distance yourself. I appreciate your kindness, but it's not necessary to put up a front."

James hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching hers as if wrestling with his inner thoughts. Finally, he sighed and spoke, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "There's a hidden moon shining in my heart, casting its light upon a secret garden. It's a place where I find solace and belonging, a place where a special flower has bloomed."

He pauses, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "This flower, delicate and young, possesses a beauty that has enchanted me. Its innocence and grace have captured my soul, stirring emotions I never thought I'd experience at this stage of my life."

A furrow appeared on Sage's brow, genuine concern etching her features. "James, you know you can trust me, right? If there's something you need to talk about, I'm here for you."

Meeting her gaze, James displayed a mixture of gratitude and pain in his eyes. He takes a step closer to Sage, his voice sounding more gravel than before. "A wolf stirs within me, as if awakened after a long slumber. Its howl weighs heavily on my soul."

Taking another step closer, his voice barely above a whisper, he pleaded, "I share this tale with you, hoping you can decipher its meaning. Unlock the gate, Sage. Unlock the gate, and we can converse like never before."

James waited, his eyes filled with expectancy, eagerly anticipating her understanding of his cryptic plea. Meanwhile, he secretly reveled in the brightness of her amber eyes and the scent of her hair conditioner, yearning to draw closer and caress her cheek with his own.

Before Sage could respond, Harley's voice interrupted their conversation, filled with infectious joy. "Hey, you two! What are you whispering about over there?"

Sage glanced at James, catching a fleeting glimpse of vulnerability in his eyes before he swiftly changed his expression to wear a carefree smile. He shook his head and responded, "Just catching up, Harley. Enjoying the celebration. Happy birthday, little sis."

Harley shrugged, seemingly satisfied with his answer. "Well, don't be strangers for too long. We're all here to have a good time!" Despite her puffy red eyes, she regained her enthusiastic spirit.

Veiled Desires Series: Threads of FateWhere stories live. Discover now