o n e | sixteen steps forward but 3 hops back

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"Well hello junior year," Sage cooed under her breath as she passed through the school entrance doors, flashing her badge to the lucky teacher on door duty.

Sage's heart raced as she entered the halls of their high school, feeling totally at home in this place that was practically her second address. She had grown so much since her first day here, finding comfort in the knowledge and friendships she had built. But today, there was something buzzing in the air, something that made her senses tingle with excitement.

As she weaved through the bustling crowd, Sage's eyes landed on Harley, her best buddy with fiery red hair and eyes that sparkled with anticipation. Harley had this infectious energy that Sage couldn't resist being drawn into.

"Sage! Welcome to our second semester!" Harley exclaimed, practically bouncing on her toes. "I've been waiting for you, like, forever! There's something I gotta spill!"

Sage smiled, her curiosity instantly piqued. "What's going on, Harley? You seem positively radiant today."

Harley took a deep breath, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Okay, listen up! I met this freakin' amazing girl, and I can't stop raving about her. Seriously, she's on a whole new level of awesome."

Sage's heart swelled with warmth, soaking in the genuine admiration in Harley's voice. Even with the strong bond between them, Sage felt the anxiety and mixture of curiosity stir within her from Harley's morning revelation. Her face felt flushed as she kept her composure.

"You've totally captured my attention, Harley," Sage responded, feigning a playful tone. "Who is this remarkable girl you're talking about?"

A mischievous glimmer danced in Harley's eyes as she revealed her secret. "Dude, it's you! You've been my ride-or-die, my partner-in-crime, my sister from another mister. I've always looked up to you, with your brainiac ways and your constant support. You're, like, my superhero!"

Sage's heart swelled with joy, the genuine warmth in her voice evident. "Harley, I'm deeply honored. You've been a constant source of inspiration and strength in my life. Our friendship means the world to me, and I cherish every moment we spend together."

Harley playfully nudged Sage, their laughter echoing through the bustling hallway. As the mirth subsided, Sage added, "You bring so much light and happiness into my life, Harley. I'm truly grateful to call you my friend."

Harley's smile widened, a radiant beam that could light up the room. "I knew you'd get it, Sage. Our connection is next level, and I trust you with my deepest secrets. That's why I can't wait for you to join in on the epic celebration of my 16th birthday with me and my fam. It's gonna be one for the books, I swear!"

Finally, dropping the teasing and down-to-earth lingo, Harley pulled them further into the jungle. As they stepped further into the school building, towards their homeroom, the familiar scent of books and freshly waxed floors enveloping them. The hallways were a vibrant melody of voices and laughter, students rushing to their lockers, and colorful posters adorning the walls.

Sage's heart swelled with happiness, her footsteps echoing through the bustling school hallway. Lockers lined the walls, their metal surfaces adorned with colorful posters and snapshots of cherished memories. The air was alive with the hum of conversation and the sound of lockers opening and closing, a symphony of teenage life.

As they walked together, Sage and Harley weaved through the crowd, their laughter and friendly banter drawing the attention of their fellow classmates. Some nodded in recognition, while others offered warm smiles as they passed by. It was a reminder of the tight-knit community they had become a part of, a tapestry of friendships woven over the years.

Veiled Desires Series: Threads of FateWhere stories live. Discover now