s e v e n | running out of milestones

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After the unforgettable birthday celebration at Uncle Everest's cabin, Sage and Harley returned to school with a renewed sense of energy and a stronger connection. The school buzzed with excitement as they made their way through the hallways, the memories of the weekend still fresh in their minds.

As they reached their lockers, Sage turned to Harley, her gratitude evident in her timid smile. "I truly appreciate all the effort you put into making my birthday so special."

Harley's face lit up with joy, her eyes shining brightly. "I'm so happy to hear that, Sage! I wanted it to be a birthday you'd never forget."

As they chatted near their lockers, their classmates approached, eager to share their own stories and enthusiasm about the weekend celebration. Harley's new and active presence on social media, especially Instagram, meant that the photos and posts from the event had created a ripple effect of positive energy throughout the school community.

Just as the conversation reached its peak, the school bell rang, signaling the start of the next class. Sage and Harley exchanged a quick glance and efficiently gathered their books and belongings. They weaved through the bustling hallways, skillfully navigating the busy flow of students, heading towards their respective classrooms.

Throughout the day, the school was abuzz with countless birthday wishes for Sage, turning every break and lunchtime into a lively celebration. The infectious excitement continued to spread, and Sage found herself immersed in a whirlwind of love and support from her friends. However, amidst the joyous atmosphere, a sense of deja vu washed over her. As she interacted with her classmates, there was an inexplicable familiarity, as if she had encountered them before. It was an elusive feeling that tugged at the corners of her mind.

As she scrolled through the collection of photos documenting their unforgettable weekend, a sense of recognition gradually washed over her. Among the smiles and laughter frozen in time, she spotted the faces of Harley's family members, like Aunt Emma and Cousin Ben, leading a scenic hike, Linda and James, Sr. romantically dancing underneath the stars, and Uncle Everest skillfully tending to the roasting lamb.

Her attention then unwillingly turned to photos of James, Jr. I t was the snapshot capturing the moment he presented her with a gift that caused her to pause. The memory resurfaced with vivid clarity, momentarily eclipsing her previous intuition of deja vu. As she gazed at his expression, an unmistakable question emerged in her mind: Is that how he always looked at her? It was a newfound curiosity, tinged with a mix of uncertainty and intrigue, as she started to perceive her best friend's older brother in a different light yet again.

During one of their free periods, Sage found solace in the tranquil school courtyard, basking in the warm sunlight. She reached into her bag and retrieved one of the books Uncle Everest had gifted her. As she delved into its pages, the world around her seemed to fade away, completely captivated by the stories within. Lost in her own literary realm, she failed to hear the ringing of the school bell, marking the beginning of the next class. This incident would set a precedent for the days to come, as Sage found herself frequently tardy due to her profound engagement with these books.

As the day progressed, Sage couldn't help but catch glimpses of Harley in the busy hallways, effortlessly engaging with their classmates. Amidst the sea of students, there was always one guy who seemed to be drawn to Harley, walking beside her or heading in her direction. Sage couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in Harley's demeanor whenever he was around. Her infectious smile, usually so vibrant, took on a hint of timidity, as if she were trying to hide her feelings.

It was intriguing for Sage to witness this dynamic between her best friend and the mysterious guy. She found herself wondering what was going on beneath the surface, what conversations they were having, and what dreams they were sharing. The birthday celebration had left a lasting impact on the school atmosphere, casting a warm glow over the hallways and bringing students closer together.

Veiled Desires Series: Threads of FateWhere stories live. Discover now