Getting to know you

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Zoe opens the door to the nursery and steps in. "Hey, do you need anything from home?"

"Um, baby stuff and things for Sofia." I answer.

"And a change of clothes." Zoe says as she leans against the door frame.

"Yeah, I guess so." I say to her.

She gets closer and sniffs the baby's head.

"Why are you sniffing my son?" I ask.

"He just smells good." She smiles. "I'll be back in the morning with everything you need."

"Thanks, Zoe."

Zoe smiles and hugs me before leaving the room again.

I cradle my newborn son in my arms. The hum of machinery and the distant murmur of doctors and nurses are just background noise. My world has shrunk to the confines of this nursery, where my son's tiny, perfectly-formed fingers curl around mine.

His eyes, those small, inquisitive eyes, are wide open, staring up at me. His innocence, his complete unawareness of the world around him, makes my heart clench with a mix of joy and fear.

"Hey, little man," I whisper, leaning in to press a soft kiss on his forehead. His skin is so delicate, like a feather, and I'm suddenly aware of how monumental my role is. I'm his father. "I'm your dad."

The words feel strange on my tongue, even as my heart aches with worry. Sofia is still in surgery. Sofia should be here with us, sharing this moment.

I force a smile, even though my heart is pounding in my chest like a wild drum.

"Your mom... she's the most amazing woman you'll ever meet," I tell him, tracing a gentle finger along the downy softness of his cheek. "She's strong, and brave, and so, so beautiful. She's in surgery right now, but she'll be okay. She has to be."

I can't let my voice waver, and I can't let my fear seep into these first moments with my son. I hold him closer, his small body fitting perfectly in the crook of my arm.

The door to the nursery opens then and Dr Brown peeks in. She has a kind smile, but her eyes hold a seriousness that makes my stomach churn.

"I need to check on your son," she says gently, reaching out for the baby.

I nod, reluctantly handing him over. But as I watch her expertly check his vitals, listen to his heartbeat, my fear doesn't ease.

"Soon, you'll meet your mom," I whisper, even though he's now in the nurse's arms. "And we'll be a family, just like we planned."

"I have some good news." Dr Brown says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Your wife is out of surgery," she says.

My heart nearly leaps out of my chest.

"She hasn't regained consciousness yet, but they're setting her up in a room tight now, and you'll get to sit with her." She says to me.

"Will she wake up?"

"Yes, surgery was successful, and she'll be here for about four days, but you'll have to speak to her doctors more about it." She says as she finishes up checking the baby.

"Alright then." I sigh. I'm relieved.

Finally, I'll get to see Sofia.



I push open the front door with a sigh, letting the weight of the day slowly seep out of me as I step into the warmth of our home. The familiar scent of lavender and vanilla immediately soothes me, a testament to Lala's love of scented candles.

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