The doctor is in

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Lala has been pressuring me about finding a surrogate. A baby. Our baby. But I'm not even sure I want one. Not now, at least. We've done so many interviews, but they all just seem blanch.

So here I am, taking refuge among the bright, fluorescent lights, the discount signs, and the familiar hum of the refrigeration units of the supermarket. I push the cart along the aisle, picking up things we don't need, just to kill time. A packet of spaghetti, a jar of pickles, a can of tomato soup.

As I turn into the fresh produce section, my eyes are drawn to a vibrant pile of oranges. I reach out to pick one, and that's when I see her.

Dr. Brown.

The doctor I met at the hospital when I met Xavier's baby. She's standing there a few feet away, examining a head of lettuce.

She looks up and our eyes meet. For a moment, time stands still. She smiles, her blue eyes lighting up, and my heart does a little flip.

I quickly looked away and picked up a bag of carrots.

The fuck am I even doing?

"Zoe?" She sounds surprised but happy. "What a coincidence."

"Yeah," I manage to choke out, feeling my face heat up. "Hi."

We stand there awkwardly for a moment before she breaks the silence. "How's your brother and the baby? And how are you?"

"They're great," I say, somehow managing to find my voice. I pause and then decide to be honest. "Me? I'm...confused."

She puts the lettuce in her cart and looks at me, her brow furrowing in concern. "Confused?"

"It's personal." I sigh.

"Well, maybe you need the ear of a stranger." She smiles.

I nod, biting my lip. "My wife wants us to find a surrogate. She's ready for a baby. But I don't know if I am."

Dr. Brown is quiet for a moment, her gaze gentle. "Well, I've been a surrogate before. All I know is a baby is a big responsibility."

"Yeah, figured that much. Wasn't your body like severely damaged after pushing out an entire human being?"

Dr. Brown laughs. "You know they come out as babies and not adults, right?"

"Yeah, but I mean, do you really like being stretched out. Aren't you worried about dying?"
"Not at all. Truthfully, it's why I became a doctor."

"What if I like.... drop the baby." I ask.

She chuckles again. "You're funny. It's cute."

I froze and stared at her. She then takes out a marker and writes her number on my hand.

"If you still need a surrogate, I'm interested. Or if you simply need a friend, I'm also here." She says.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. Anything you need."

"But you barely know me." I say to her.

"You don't have to know me to be your surrogate." She answers.

"Thanks, Dr. Brown," I say, my voice choked.

"Please, call me Kayla," she says, smiling at me.

"Thank you, Kayla," I correct myself, returning her smile. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I can breathe again.


As I load my groceries into the trunk of my car, Kayla's words echo in my mind. I can't help but think about her. But I quickly shake off those thoughts. I love Lala, and she's been my partner for years. We've built a life together, and I can't let a fleeting moment sway me.

Taking a deep breath, I close the trunk and slide into the driver's seat. The engine roars to life, and I pull out of the parking lot, heading home. The drive feels longer than usual, my mind swirling with conflicting thoughts and emotions.

When I open the front door, I'm greeted by a sight that makes my heart skip a beat. The living room is filled with baby things—cribs, strollers, and an array of tiny clothes. Panic surges through me.

We don't have a surrogate yet. How did all of this happen?

"Lala!" I call out, my voice tinged with anxiety.

Lala appears from the hallway, her face beaming with excitement. "Zoe, you're home! Look at all the things I bought! Aren't they adorable?"

I'm torn between frustration and love as I take in her enthusiasm. She's always been the more impulsive one, acting before fully considering the consequences.

"Lala, we agreed to take this slow. We haven't even found a surrogate yet," I say, trying to keep my voice steady.

She frowns, her excitement deflating slightly. "I know, Zoe. But I thought maybe if we had everything ready, it would motivate us to find someone soon."

I understand her intentions, but the pressure suddenly feels suffocating. "Lala, this is too much stuff. What we never find a surrogate?"

"Don't speak it into existence." She says.

"Lala, this is crazy." I say to her.

"Come on, Zoe. I want to do this with you." She says in a pouting tone.

I sigh and nod. "Okay..."

Lala jumps around in excitement and begins to show me all the new baby things she's bought, but all I can do is stare blankly.

The things I'd do to make her happy... even if I'm not.

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