We meet again

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My eyelids feel like they're made of lead as I shuffle my way to the kitchen, the resentful echoes of Saint's wailing still ringing in my ears. Sofia is up there with him. I'd offered to trade places, but she shot me that look , the one that said she'd rather wrestle a bear than have me interfere with her mothering.

I'm not mad about it, not really. I get it. Hell, I even admire it. But it doesn't make the tiredness any less bone-deep or the grumpiness any less real.

The coffee maker growls to life as I hit the switch, the scent of dark roast slowly replacing the lingering aroma of late-night diaper changes. I'm mid-yawn when the doorbell rings, a sharp, irritating chime that slices through the early morning quiet.

My heart sinks at the sound. It's too early for visitors.

I drag myself to the front door, reluctantly abandoning the sanctuary of the kitchen. When I pull it open, the sight that greets me makes my sleep-deprived grumpiness flare into outright annoyance.

"Jason," I say, my voice rough with lack of sleep.

"Xavier," he replies, grinning like we're old buddies. Like he didn't sleep with Jenna. Like he's not a potential danger to Sofia and Saint.

His eyes flicker past me, towards the staircase, and I step forward, blocking his view. He may be my brother, but trust isn't a gift I'm willing to bestow on him. Not when Jenna could still be in the picture.

"What do you want?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. My coffee is waiting, and I've got a newborn to take care of. I don't have time for his games.

Jason just shrugs, his grin never wavering. "Just thought I'd drop by, see how you're holding up."

I almost laugh. Like he cares.

"Goodbye, Jason," I say, already closing the door. The sound of his protests is drowned out by the welcome hiss of my coffee maker, a lullaby of its own kind. A lullaby for the weary, the grumpy, and the protective.

For fathers like me.

"Wait, Xavier, I got you something." He says.

I hesitate for a moment, my hand still gripping the doorknob, as Jason's words hang in the air. A twinge of curiosity mixes with my annoyance, and against my better judgment, I open the door once more, leaving only a narrow gap between us.

"What's that?" I ask, my tone guarded.

Jason's grin falters slightly, replaced by a more earnest expression. He holds up a small gift bag, adorned with a cheerful, baby-themed pattern.

"I know things have been rough between us, Xavier," he says, his voice carrying a hint of contrition. "But I saw this and... well, I thought your baby might like it. It's just something small."

"Saint." I correct him.

I eye the bag warily, my protective instincts on high alert. Despite everything, I can't deny that Jason is my brother, and deep down, I still want to believe that he's not so bad.

Reluctantly, I open the door wider, allowing him to step inside. Jason's gaze darts around, taking in the surroundings of my home. I can't help but feel a pang of resentment, knowing that he used to be a part of this life, that he betrayed that trust.

He moves past me, careful not to invade my personal space, and places the gift bag on the nearby table. With a small, apologetic smile, he takes a step back, giving me some space.

"I'm sorry, Xavier," he says, his voice quiet and sincere. "I know I messed up with Jenna. I never meant to hurt you, and I definitely never wanted to put Sofia or Saint in any danger. I just want to be a good brother."

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