Chapter 1 : Red Snow

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A beautiful snowy night it is. A girl in a warm cozy room is looking out of her glass windows to the street light. She is noticing the snow floating in the path of light and finally kissing the earth.Her eyes sparkled from the nature's beauty. She just want to come out and be the main character there.She wants to spread her arms and swing around, dance, jump and feel the first snowfall of the year. Slowly everything got blurred as her eyes we're filled with tears. Hopelessness surrounded her and made her charming face gloomy. With those tears she looked at the wheels of her wheelchair and again looked at the snow. But this time she saw a shadow falling on the nearby wall of that street.

Micasa are u alright? Her mother noticing from the kitchen asked. She startled and replied that she is fine and again started looking at the window. A white furry puppy came to the light sniffing around ,following which a boy arrived there for its rescue who seems to be it's owner.

Soon they disappeared from the light. Micasa's eyes we're searching that boy who's glimpse was already captured by her heart.

After few minutes she heard some sound from the door. Micasa asked her mother to open the door.Her mother went to open it.Chilling snowy wave entered the room as the door was opened.Micasa was still sitting near the windows. She looked outside and was clueless of everything happening.

Few minutes passed and her mother who was there outside hasn't come yet.
Slowly moving her wheels forward with a little courage she went outside. Snowy surface was creating a heavy sort of difficulty for Micasa to move.
Still she somehow managed to be there.

Same puppy which she noticed minutes ago came close to her wheels.A wide smile appeared on her face. She lifted that puppy to her lap. Puppy was looking like a snow ball to Micasa.

Then she noticed some spots of blood on its tail, limbs and soon she figured some paw prints on the snow ~ all red in colour. She screamed 'Mamma, Mamma', started searching her here and there.It was all dark.But there's still one corner of the yard left, near the street light where she needs to search. Finally she reached there, she felt a lump in her throat . Her mother was lying there dead, in the snow pool which has turned red now.
The one who was the only support of Micasa except the wheelchair is no more. Wheelchair bound girl screamed,cried and tried falling off and finally succeeded.Micasa laid down next to her mom and everything seemed less cruel next to her.

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