Chapter 2 : The search

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An Investigation team and police force were scratching their heads over the mysterious death of an innocent lady.
The incident spot was not very crowded.Seems like nobody cares about them ,not even their neighbors.

Disability services and support organizations were intervening in the matter and trying to comfort the girl with special needs. Still she was lost, stunned, in stress and was figuring out the whole scenario which shattered her world.

Soon they took Micasa with them to the rehabilitation centre.Isolated and vulnerable state indeed.She was taking her time to find her footing and adjusting to live without her mother.In a short period of time , the possible counseling help her navigate through the grieving process.

In the Rehab centre, Sam, a boy with speech disorder deeply understands Micasa and what she is going through.He genuinely cares about her well being. Two incomplete beings usually find unique ways to connect and bond. Sam often write his feelings in paper and used to give it to Micasa. Sam and his child like behaviour fasten Micasa's healing process.

Everything was going fine.One month later, two investigation officers visited her. With the permission of counsellor, they started interrogating her.

"Hello I am Officer Vincent.Our team is searching the murderer. Now officer Paul will ask you some questions regarding that day and you try recalling the time before crime scene. "

Micasa who was recovering from traumatic scenario ,had to recall it again and this time in detail with all her mind.

Finally she tried recalling and some scenes started flashing around her eyes. "Golden light, Snow ball like puppy and a boy"- answered Micasa.

"And ..And a shadow.... '' recalled Micasa.
Officer Paul asked that when did she noticed it. Micasa told that she noticed the shadow first and then after few minutes the boy appeared.

Officer Vincent interrupted and asked that whether the shadow was that of the same boy. Micasa denied.

She confidently elaborated that shadow was of an elderly man around the age of 40s and she still remember the face of the boy who was of her age. That day she already saw the face of boy.

Mr. Paul asked Micasa" Are you sure about the presence of two persons on the crime scene. As in the investigation, only evidence we got is about the boy you saw . His name is Nick and we are in search of him. "

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