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Born with a rare congenital condition that has left her handicapped,Micasa has faced numerous challenges in her life.Despite being wheelchair bound,her sharp mind allowed her to become a remarkable student in her high school.Mysterious murder of her mother made her realized about the strength she had. Using her exceptional intellect as her strength, she unveils the truth.


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A boy of same age as Micasa, who is suffering from Mutism meets her at the Rehabilitation Center after her mother's death. He secretly loves Micasa and take utmost care of her. He uses sign language to deliver his messages. He also teaches Micasa the same.

    Detective Emma

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Detective Emma

A seasoned lady detective with sharp instincts and good investigation record handling the mysterious case ~ Murder of Micasa's mother. She is fierce and a good fighter too. Along with Micasa, she finds the villain.


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The man who mysteriously killed Micasa's mother.

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