Chapter 3: Unseen ability

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Micasa's exceptional intellect, sharp observation skills and indomitable spirit made both the experienced officers serious for the case. Her keen attention to detail now might help to gather more evidence.

In the evening, Sam and Micasa were sitting together in garden of their Rehab center. She was on her wheelchair and Sam was there beside her.He gave a note to Micasa.
Pink origami paper all decorated with drawing of cute flowers and a caricature of Micasa in between.With bold letters above that caricature there's written ~ You are brave.

Micasa looked at Sam and patted on his head as an appreciation for his thoughtfulness and effort. This little act of kindness was so much to her.Adding a heartfelt note , she note-

Dear Sam, Thankyou for being there by my side at the toughest times.

As the days passed, Micasa started to be sad as there was no improvement in the case.She was losing her patience by each passing day.

She decided to visit her abandoned house.Perhaps she wanted to revisit the memories that she made with her mother in that house and  asked Sam to accompany her.

Finally they came to the house.Slowly as they were moving inside,Micasa was trying to recapitulate the scenes of that day.Sam entered the house.

The house - not a big one but filled with essence of the bond shared by a disabled child and her mother.Sam started looking at many pictures those were hanging on wall.

Born with a rare congenital condition that has left her handicapped,Micasa has faced numerous challenges in her life. But despite her disability, her sharp mind allowed her to become a remarkable student in her high school.
Sam took that picture of Micasa holding  trophy for securing 1st position in her class and came to the yard where Micasa was observing the area around street light.

He gave that picture to Micasa.She was thrown back to the memorable day when she was awarded with this trophy on the stage and her mother was cheering for her from the audiences.This ignited her soul as she begin to see her sharp mind as the symbol of strength and decided to use her potential against the unexplained events .

Micasa embarks on a personal mission to uncover the truth.

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