V2: The huntresses and the hellspawn (Rework.)

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A/N: Just a random shout out because why not: TheHolyPeanut173


Aj: "Ok so do we got the new battery packs?"

Oscar nods as the two walks with heavy equipment of machinery.

Oscar: "What about nails and bolts?"

Aj nods.

Aj: "Alright let's get back to the farm house can't keep your aunt waiting."

Both Oscar and aj started walking or racing to the farm house though it was walking due to the heavy equipment slowing them. as they raced towards the house where Oscar's aunt could see the two. Oscar tackles and wrestles Aj to the ground as Aj wrestles back as he gets back up and runs towards the house as Oscar is behind him as both of them reached the house

Aj: "You tackled me down and you still got last"

Oscar: "Shut up you had a head start"

Aj: "Nah your just slow"

???: "Boys now let's be nice to each other after all you two are supposed to look out for each other"

Aj faces the person who was talking and it was Oscar's aunt may a short but kind lady she may be old....ok she's old but not that old and she's named Maryland

Aj in thoughts: Ah yes the kind old aunt who bakes cookies like a grandma but younger. And the reason for me and Oscar being this close I think we're close? I don't know all I know we started getting along when I started training Oscar the reason for it is because of Maryland calling Oscar a skinny little bit-

Oscar,Aj and Maryland enters inside the house and went to the dining room as aj and Oscar as they both take a seat


Ruby: After a whole 5 hour ride from a bullhead, me getting exhausted and Weiss getting lost...for the fifth time...in a row...in 4 hours

Ruby: "Weiss...are we lost...like the sixth time?"

Ruby was practically yawning in her words as she was piggybacking on yangs back. Weiss checks her scroll as the map around them is just static

Weiss: "We might be because this stupid thing isn't giving us the location where professor Ozpin wants us to go"

The Sun was already at the horizon of the land as it shines a bright gold. It was a beautiful sight to see...until a yell of frustration that sounded like if a young boy was heard in the distance

???: "Damn."

???: "You missed."

A minute later a loud thud sound is heard by the huntresses in training

???: "YES!"

???: "It's tie."

???: "Nuh uh."

???: "Yuh huh."

At this moment Ruby and the rest of her teammates are hiding behind a bush they see a tan skin kid and a light dark skinned teenager who looks about yangs height

Tan kid just sighed


Aj: "Alright."

Without hesitation Aj threw the rock directly at an inch of the four in the bushes.

Aj: "Come out and don't try to fight if you can't tell I'm beating the little shit ass at rock throwing."

This causes an anger mark on the back of Oscar's head before a blonde launches out and throws a punch at Aj.

The hellspawn of remanent (spawn oc x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now