V2 aftermath: cooking with the ice queen

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In aj's dorm

On a desk with multiple parts of the noroi blade as Aj was looking at the parts while wearing the jacket with a hole on it.

Aj: "What if the sheath is the gun?"

He says quietly then shook his head.

Aj: "Can't... what if?"

Aj begins to separate the gun parts to the handle as he imagines two different weapons.

Aj shrugs: "Could work"

Suddenly his stomach grumbles as he held his gut.

Aj: "Shit."

He muttered under his breath as he exits his dorm the went to the kitchen from the cafeteria.

Aj in thoughts: As long as I don't get caught... Right?

Aj grabbed the following tomato sauce, spaghetti strings and ground beef. Before Aj could start he senses the door open which he threw a plastic fork towards Rubys forehead. But luckily the end of the handle hits her.

Aj: "S-sorry."

Ruby rubs the spot where sho got hit as she begins to whine.

Ruby: "Owww... why a fork... why me.."

Aj panicking: "It was by instinct!"

Ruby: "Still hurts!"

Aj panicked more then he snaps his head to look at the ingredient then sighed.

Aj: "Can I make it up to you by cooking up something?"

Ruby ears perk up: "Cooking what?"

Aj shrugs: "Anything."

Ruby with a smug look: "Anything."

Aj slightly startled: "Y-yeah?"

Ruby enthusiastically with her finger pointed up.

Ruby: "Cookies!"

Aj confused: "C-cookies?"

Ruby still keeping her enthusiasm and finger up.

Ruby: "Chocolate chip cookies!"

Aj: "O-okay. Shouldn't be that hard?"

Before he could turn around there was already triple the ingredients he needed as ruby eyes sparkled like stars in the midnight sky. Aj just sighs.

Few hours later

Aj puts the last cookie on the 30 something ziplock bag. (Yes even the story lost count)

Aj in an exhausted tone: "Why so much cookie's?"

Ruby puts all of them in a duffel bag.

Ruby: "Because I love them."

Aj: "Your a child. A chaotic one at that."

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