V2 aftermath: The fraud in shining armor

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Aj: "Again."

He says looking at jaune kneeling on the ground. He was sweating and panting obviously exhausted from something.

Flash back from yesterday.

Aj looks at Pyrrha with disbelief.

Aj: "You want me to train jaune?"

Pyrrha nods, Aj tilted his head in confusion.

Aj: "Can I asked why?"

Pyrrha: "Well I used a spear so I'm not that good with a sword and jaune uses one so I could only teach him how to use a shield and basics of combat."

She chuckles as she scratches the back of her head.

Pyrrha: "And I think that you're the type to train with people even if they... aren't as good as others."

She says nervously fearing rejection. But Aj sighs.

Aj: "Ok sure."

Pyrrha eyes lit up: "Really?"

Aj: "Yep."

Pyrrha sighs: "Thanks Aj."

Back to the present.

Aj: Yeah no I can't train for shit. I'm still thinking reworking my weapon from scratch

He admits in his thoughts as he looks at jaune who bearly recompose himself. Aj points his wooden sword at jaune as he waves it in a circle.

Aj: "Come on, try to hit me."

He says with a smirk, Jaune dashes towards as he swings his sword at Aj. Quickly Aj catches his blade by using the flat side of his wooden tool and redirect it towards the ground.

Aj: "Your not controlling the blade. You control it you control the fight and opponent."

He explains as he kicks jaune back then rushes towards him as he swung his wooden weapon at jaunes head.

Aj: "Fighting is about control."

Jaune quickly blocked the attack but it causes him to be rolled to the side. Aj kick jaunes weapon towards him on the ground.

Aj: "You get it?"

Jaune got up one last time as he ready's his blade and shifting his footing slightly apart.

Aj: A stance?

Jaune: "Yeah I got it."

Suddenly he charged at Aj throwing a couple of slashes. Aj strafes at the slashes analyzing jaunes form from the slash before using the butt of his wooden handle and follow it up with a slash across the chest.

Aj: "Almost. You got the charging part down so C minus!"

He jokes before jaune charges again with an over-exaggerated swing. Aj steps aside as he slaps jaune but not as hard. Jaune stagger back as he held his cheek.

Jaune: "What was that for?!"

Aj: "You swung too big and got too wide. Again control your attacks, control your opponent and most importantly control your weapon."

He says as Jaune continues to swing but it was quicker and shorter.

Aj: "Good."

He says as he uses his wooden tool to catch jaunes blade as he step closer to him.

Aj: "Now put some power."

He open his guard as he readies himself.

Aj: "Like this!"

His foot travel a 12 inches foward as he hits jaune on the midsection pushing him back.

Jaune stumbles and rolls back but he rushed towards him as Aj clashes swords with jaune but with Aj's perspective of defense. Before a few swings Aj threw a cross towards jaune.

Jaune blocks the hit by Aj with the flat side of his blade but it causes him to roll back on the ground.

Aj: "Better. But it's still shit."

Jaune grits his teeth but breathes in deeply and out.

Aj: Pyrrha already taught you enough. She was speaking the truth.

He thinks before strafing the swings from jaune. But the swings were fast some of them causing him to block with his wooden sword.

Aj: "Finally you start actually fighting decently."

Jaune somewhat irritated starts aggressively swinging which Aj continues to strafe and blocking which he stepped forward and tripped him to the ground.

Aj: "Power comes from the legs."

Aj says as he bonks the wooden sword on jaunes head.

Jaune recompose himself as he resumes back to swinging his sword. Aj clashes the blades with him as he follows up with a front kick but Jaune purposely rolls back and slash him on his stomach area.

Aj blocks the attack causing him to skid his feet on the ground. Suddenly he charges towards jaune as he swung his wooden blade but as jaune tries to parry his attack but Aj grabbed his wrist and makes him open for an attack and staggering back.

Aj: "This is still a fight so there are no rules!"

The two clashes swords as Jaune recovers but Aj gets past behind him as he bounce from tree to tree hitting him from any angle.

Jaune tries to block the attacks but Aj was too fast for Jaune to even react, overwhelming him causing him to overreact making him more open.

Jaune: Damn... I can't... I can't... I can't...

Jaune suddenly remembers from Aj... that he dosent have to play fair.

In order to get his hands dirty (No pun attended.) he grabs the dirt from the ground and threw it to Aj.

Aj: "What the- GAH!"

He says as the dirt hits his eyes which causes him to roll on the ground.

Aj: "Really? Fucking dirt?!"

He catches the attack from jaune with his wooden blade. As he wipes the dirt out of his eyes he smirks at jaune as he steps closer towards him, jaune was still gritting his teeth.

Aj: "Good. Your adapting to my advice, learning them takes time but adapting is quicker, you don't have a second though or a doubt in the lessons."

He continues to smirk as he pushes him off balance, knocking him to land on his rear.

Aj tosses the wooden tool at jaune in which he catches.

Aj: "Now... let me teach you how to actually use a sword."

Jaune was confused as he grab the wooden sword on his other hand and stood to his feet.

Aj: "It's better to know how to use two swords and not just one."

Aj did a hand gesture as two wooden swords similar to the one he used during this sparring match.

Jaune: "What is your semblance?"

Aj: "Well it's complicated but I can use my imagination but I got to know my essence... or I'll be insane."

Aj says in a joking manner, jaune shrugs seemingly buying Aj's lies. In our hellspawns eyes he looks down the refocuses on jaune after his short stroll down memory lane.

Aj: "Any ways the reason for dual swords is by a specific samurai once described 'able to overcome the cumbersome nature of using a sword in both hands'. Meaning if your one of your arms get cut of you will be able to use swords in which ever arm you have."

Aj explains as he lowers his stance, one blade held flat and one behind like an arrow on a bow. Jaune copy's Aj's stance as the two glared at each other.

Aj: "Now fight....

My apprentice"


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