V2 Aftermath: The Fashionista, Debt And Apoplogy

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Aj: "You know if you think about it. You might be in a harem."

Aj says as Weiss and him walked into the city of vale. Confused Weiss looks at Aj.

Weiss: "What are you talking about?"

Aj: "Cuz think about it. Ruby and yang are sisters so there's no way they could be the Mc, Blake is quiet and too cool for being the Mc though due to ruby being not that smart she could be the mc? But you are bossy not likely the Mc? I don't know you're just in a harem."

Aj explained confidently while Weiss with an unamused expression hits aj with a fan on the cheek.

Weiss: "Dunce."

Aj: "Oww- wait Blake only does that to me!"

Weiss showed him a label on the fans handle 'hit aj if necessary.' Aj let out a confused grunt.

Aj: "That's stupid."

He grumbles.

Weiss: "Like you?

Aj glared at Weiss before bumping into a lamp post. Weiss rolls her eyes as she smiles slightly.

Weiss: "Dolt."

After Aj rubs his head he follows Weiss to a clothing store.

Weiss: "This should be it. If there's no leather jackets similar to yours I don't know what other stores would."

Aj looks at the luxurious building then at the rest it's seems like he's hallucinating it.

Aj: "I don't know Weiss... seems expensive..."

He says in a slightly shaken voice. As Weiss rolls her eyes and looks at Aj.

Weiss: "Please I buy my clothes at this store all the time."

Aj: Yep expensive.

He looks around for a cheaper one. But dosent find one as he was forced in by Weiss.

Aj immediately goes to the men's section looking at the jackets, he finds a brown leather jacket.

Aj: Bingo

He puts one sleeve onto another as he looks at himself in the mirror. Brown jacket with a black shirt and blue jeans.

Aj: Good enough I guess.

He shrugs as he takes one sleeve off the jacket.

???: "That wouldn't look good."

A feminine voice was heard as Aj looked to a side of him seeing a girl with sunglasses and brown and black clothing.

Aj: I've heard of her. "Coco is it?"

Coco nods as she walks up to him: "And you must be the new kid. Without the jacket was good enough but it doesn't look good with those blue jeans."

He looks down to his jeans then back up to cocoas he scratched his head. As he puts the jacket back in the hangers.

Aj: "What about green, red and white."

Coco shrugs as the two grab the clothing of each color. As Aj was down in the changing room and exited it he looks at the mirror.

Aj: "Probably for Christmas."

Coco walks away and comes back with a pile of clothes. She pulls out a green shirt with black cargo pants.

Coco: "What about this one?"

Aj looks at the clothing as he shrugs, he takes the two, enters the changing stall and comes out with the brightest shirt he's ever seen. He glanced at coco as she does the same to him.

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