V2: the new student

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A few moments before

"So we have a new transfer student"

Ozpin says at the blonde haired teacher.

Ozpin: "He's very special so make sure he has no problems at the school."

He says as he sips his mug.

Ozpin: "And can you show him to the dorms?"

Back to the present

We meet in the elevator as aj is in with glynda goodwitch. Glynda kept a calm expression while aj was red.

Glynda in thoughts: is it too hot for him here?


Aj in thoughts: Holy shit she's hot

The elevator stops and the doors opens as ajs blush fades away. Glynda walks as she gestured aj to follow her which he complied. After walking through the hallways they arrived to a dorm room in which Glynda gave him the keys and a device shaped like a thermostat without the needle (or tail I don't know the word is).

Glynda: "The keys to your dorm are in your scroll that I just cave you. If you need any help contact any of the staff other than that you'll do whatever you want."

Aj nods as Glynda walks away. Aj opens and goes into the dorm as it was the perfect size for more than one. There was only one bed, some shelves and drawers. Suddenly Ajs vision goes green as he scans the room.

Aj: "No one's here."

He says quietly as his vision returns to normal. He then takes off his shirt as his body was well defined from his chest, oblics, abs and a small waist. He goes to the mirror to look at his backs. From the traps to his lower lats his back was well defined. To describe his body it's like the human anatomy muscles in person. He checks the middle of his back as a bat logo made out of black ink was on it.

Aj: "Phew at least that's still there"

his torso from across had scars sort of like a bite mark.

Aj: "..."

Aj gets out the bathroom as he wastes no time going to bed.

As aj sleeps he sees an image... a glowing green padlock. By the look of it he can sense his power ones not yet discovered and been discovered. Doesn't make sense...

But as aj touches the padlock he wakes up in the next morning.

Aj: "The hell?"

He whispers as his scroll gets a notification.

Scrolls messages: "I'm outside going to explain what are you going to do today- Ozpin."

Aj in thoughts: Totally not shady.

Aj opens a bag as he puts on jeans, a white shirt and a jacket. He opens the dorm door as he exit it and close it.

Aj: "So why we're you waiting for me in the front of my dorm ozzy."

Ozpin gave aj a deadpan glare

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